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古代有一格言说:“伟人背后,必有默默无闻、未被颂扬的伟大女性。”用这句话来描述埃德加·斯诺的前妻、美国记者和作家海伦·福斯特·斯诺,是再合适不过的了。即使在他们离异多年之后,埃德加·斯诺依然坦率地写道:“在亚洲生活的八年间,她是我忠诚的合作者、伴侣和评论者”。埃德加·斯诺的《西行漫记》,是他在1936年夏天访问陕北苏区后所写的震动世界的名著,其成功的原因之一,是作者拥有包括一批珍贵照片在内的丰富而翔实的第一手资料。西行的极力鼓动者 In ancient times, there was an aphorism: “The great woman behind the great man must be obscure, unspoiled.” Helen Foster Snow, the ex-wife and American journalist and author who described Edgar Snow as saying More suitable. Even after years of their divorce, Edgar Snow still frankly wrote: “She was my loyal collaborator, companion, and commentator for eight years in Asia.” One of the reasons for the success of Eddie Snow’s The Voyage of the West, one of the reasons he succeeded in his world-famous work after his visit to Northern Soviet Area in the summer of 1936, was that the author owned a collection of rare photographs Rich and informative first-hand information. Westbound strongly encouraged by
<正> 五四运动中新闻舆论的威力和影响伟大的五四运动,是我国人民彻底反帝反封建的运动。这一人民自觉自决事件的进行,有着种种助力,其中,人民舆论的威力尤为显著。当时,迅速