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以产量性能差异大的双季杂交早稻超级稻品种淦鑫203和对照品种淦鑫206为材料,比较了2个品种不同秧苗素质下分蘖动态、产量及其构成因素的差异性,测定了水稻各主要生育阶段倒二叶内源激素含量,分析了其与产量形成的关系。结果表明:2个品种低素质秧苗条件下的产量及其构成因素均呈现不同程度下降,淦鑫203和淦鑫206低素质秧苗较正常秧苗单产分别下降6.23%和8.60%,单株有效穗数、每穗总粒数、结实率、千粒重分别下降8.70%和17.00%、6.65%和1.89%、1.31%和3.35%、2.08%和0.78%;低素质秧苗下,淦鑫203较淦鑫206单株茎蘖数的起降幅度更为平缓,成穗率更高;随生育推进,2个水稻品种不同素质秧苗大田期倒二叶ABA含量均持续升高,ZR含量持续下降,但淦鑫203变化幅度均较淦鑫206更为平缓;IAA、GA3含量变化则表现为先升后降趋势,至抽穗期达峰值,淦鑫203明显高于淦鑫206;同时IAA和GA3含量各主要生育时期均为低素质秧苗下较低,且其变化幅度更大;低素质秧苗下,从分蘖盛期至乳熟期淦鑫203倒二叶生长促进类激素总和(IAA+ZR+GA3)与生长抑制类激素ABA的比值均高于淦鑫206,且其总体下降也更平缓;淦鑫203不同素质秧苗下齐穗后生长促进类激素ZR、IAA和GA3与ABA的比值均高于同期淦鑫206;2个品种不同素质秧苗下产量及其形成、分蘖动态及4种内源激素的产生与调节方式存在差异,认为苗期逆境胁迫导致低秧苗素质,大田恢复正常管理下反弹性生长补偿能力与品种产量稳定性能有关。 Ganjin 203 and Ganxin 206, a two-season early-season hybrid rice with different yield and performance, were used as materials to compare the differences in tillering dynamics, yield and composition under different qualities of two cultivars. In the main growth stage, the content of endogenous hormones in the second leaves was analyzed, and the relationship between the two hormones and the yield formation was analyzed. The results showed that the yield and its components of low quality seedlings of two cultivars all decreased to different extents. The yield of low quality seedlings of Ganxin 203 and Ganxin 206 decreased 6.23% and 8.60% respectively compared with those of normal seedlings, , The total number of grains per panicle, seed setting rate and thousand kernel weight decreased by 8.70% and 17.00%, 6.65% and 1.89%, 1.31% and 3.35%, 2.08% and 0.78% The tillering and tillering rate of plant tillers was more gentle and the percentage of ear became higher. With the promotion of fertility, ABA content in the second leaf of two rice cultivars with different qualities continued to increase and the ZR content continued to decrease. However, Ganxin 203 The change range of IAA and GA3 was more gentle than that of Ganxin 206. The content of IAA and GA3 showed the trend of first rising and then decreasing, reaching the peak at heading stage, Ganxin 203 was significantly higher than that of Ganxin 206. The main growth stages of IAA and GA3 were Low-quality seedlings were lower and their variation range was greater. Under the low-quality seedlings, the total amount of auxin in the second leaf of Ganxin203 from the tillering stage to the milk-ripening stage was negatively correlated with the growth inhibitory hormones ABA ratio were higher than the Ganxin 206, and the overall decline is more gentle; Gan Xin 203 different qualities The ratio of growth promoting hormones ZR, IAA and GA3 to ABA in the seedlings after heading stage were all higher than those in the same period of Ganxin 206. The yield, formation and tillering dynamics and the production and regulation of four endogenous hormones under two different quality seedlings There are differences in the way, that the seedling stress led to low seedling quality, field management under normal management rebound growth compensatory ability and yield stability.
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