Experimental Study of Sediment Incipience Under Complex Flows

来源 :Transactions of Tianjin University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darklbueyz
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Sediment incipience under flows passing a backward-facing step was studied. A series of experiments were conducted to measure scouring depth, probability of sediment incipience, and instantaneous flow velocity field downstream of a backward-facing step. Instantaneous flow velocity fields were measured by using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), and an image processing method for determining probability of sediment incipience was employed to analyze the experimental data. The experimental results showed that the probability of sediment incipience was the highest near the reattachment point, even though the near-wall instantaneous flow velocity and the Reynolds stress were both much higher further downstream of the backward-facing step. The possible me- chanisms are discussed for the sediment incipience near the reattachment point. Sediment incipience under flowing passing a backward-facing step was studied. A series of experiments were conducted to measure scouring depth, probability of sediment incipience, and instantaneous flow velocity field downstream of a backward-facing step. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), and an image processing method for determining probability of sediment incipience was employed to analyze the experimental data. The experimental results showed that the probability of sediment incipience was the highest near the reattachment point, even though the near-wall instantaneous flow velocity and the Reynolds stress were both much higher further downstream of the backward-facing step. The possible me- chanisms are discussed for the sediment incipience near the reattachment point.
This paper establishes a numerical detention pond volume model based on the hydrological continuity equation and the Runge-Kutta numerical method. Experiments f
老北京有许多横平竖直、纵横交错的胡同,也有不少斜街曲巷。在这诸多斜街里,最有名的,还要数什刹海边上的烟袋斜街。  烟袋斜街东起地安门外大街,西至小石碑胡同与鸦儿胡同相连,为东北-西南走向,全长232米。烟袋斜街的形状恰似一只大烟袋——细长的街道好似烟袋杆,东头入口像烟袋嘴儿,西头入口折向南边,通往银锭桥,看上去活像烟袋锅儿。用“烟袋”为它命名,真可谓是名副其实。  莫盛于此  烟袋斜街始建于元朝,