Digital Model of Human Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal System Based on CT & MRI

来源 :Journal of DongHua University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lamm
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A new method to reconstruct a comparatively complete muscle model of the human lower limb from CT and MRI data is presented. Topological structure of more than fourteen muscles is built and coordinates of origin and insertion points are given. Based on this model, straight-line model and centroid-line muscle model are acquired. Muscle force prediction is discussed according to the model reconstructed, and a multi-objective optimization method is put forward for evaluating muscle forces of the human lower extremity. A new method to reconstruct a comparatively complete muscle model of the human lower limb from CT and MRI data is presented. Topological structure of more than fourteen muscles is built and coordinates of origin and insertion points are given. Based on this model, straight-line model and centroid-line muscle models are acquired. Muscle force prediction is discussed according to the model reconstructed, and a multi-objective optimization method is put forward for evaluating muscle forces of the human lower extremity.
读者秦女士问:结婚以后,是否夫妻二人的全部收入都是家庭共同财产? 答:2001年4月28日开始实施的《中华人民共和国婚姻法》(修正)第17-19条对夫妻共同财产的范围作了明确规定
本文剖析了当前地理课堂教学中存在的问题,旨在引起学校与地理课教师的关注,得以采取相应措施,提高地理课教学质量。 This paper analyzes the current problems in geograp
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