
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingshan2009
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We study the wave dislocations with an induced gauge potential.Thetopological current characterized the wave dislocations isconstructed with the dual of Abelian gauge field.And thetopological charges and locations of the wave dislocations aredetermined by the #-mapping topological current theory.It isshown that the knotted wave dislocations can be described with aHopf invariant in the wave field. The field including wave dislocations is described by the complexscalar wave solutionsφ(r)of the Helmholtz Eq.(1) We study the wave dislocations with an induced gauge potential. Thetopological current characterized the wave dislocations isconstructed with the dual of Abelian gauge field. And thetopological charges and locations of the wave dislocations aredetermined by the # -mapping topological current theory. It isshown that the knotted The field including wave dislocations is described by the complexscalar wave solutionsφ (r) of the Helmholtz Eq. (1)
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