LECF:recommendation via learnable edge collaborative filtering

来源 :中国科学:信息科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tswy110
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The core of recommendation models is estimating the probability that a user will like an item based on historical interactions.Existing collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms compute the likelihood by utilizing simple relationships between objects,e.g.,user-item,item-item,or user-user.They always rely on a single type of object-object relationship,ignoring other useful relationship information in data.In this paper,we model an interaction between user and item as an edge and propose a novel CF framework,called learnable edge collaborative filtering (LECF).LECF predicts the existence probability of an edge based on the connections among edges and is able to capture the complex relationship in data.Specifically,we first adopt the concept of line graph where each node represents an interaction edge;then calculate a weighted sum of similarity between the query edge and the observed edges (i.e.,historical interactions) that are selected from the neighborhood of query edge in the line graph for a recommendation.In addition,we design an efficient propagation algorithm to speed up the training and inference of LECF.Extensive experiments on four public datasets demonstrate LECF can achieve better performance than the state-of-the-art methods.
2021 年是中国共产党成立 100 周年。100 年来,中国共产党筚路蓝缕、艰苦奋斗,在各个领域都创造了伟大辉煌的成绩。学习党的发展历史,有助于各行各业的人以此为指导,受党的精神的鼓舞,努力使自身行业的发展更加辉煌,使自身的能力更加提高,有助于将党的思想、方针、政策落实到自身的业务发展中。而学习党史在新闻素养提高方面也有不可估量的重要作用。为此,本文探讨了在党史学习教育必修课中提升新闻素养的方法,并就这些方法给出了确定性的相关指引,以期为后来的相关学习提供有益的借鉴。
2021 年恰逢伟大祖国百年华诞,党团结带领人民艰苦奋斗、砥砺前行,历史峥嵘、伟业光辉。站在这一关键节点,为响应党中央在全党开展党史学习教育的号召,高等院校也积极开展了一系列党史学习教育。其中,高职院校也进行了一系列的党史学习教育探索。但高职院校相对薄弱的理论教育现状,使得大学生党史学习教育模式亟待创新。本文就高职院校大学生党史学习教育的模式进行探讨,力求使大学生从党的百年奋斗历程中汲取前行的智慧和力量。
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