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今年5月初,抗非典决战阶段,密云县县长张文收到本县花园社区一位居民的信:张县长,这几天我经常到居委会去,发现我们小郑主任太忙了,真是一点闲着的工夫都没有,我真担心他把身体累垮了,希望县长下一道命令,强制他休息几天……小郑名叫郑启树,今年37岁,是今年4月初才调到花园社区居委会的,当时只是任党支部书记。他一上任就率领花园社区居民,跟万恶的非典打了一场艰苦的阻击战。花园社区是密云县最大的社区,共57栋住宅楼,住着3517户、10300口居民,还有大小店铺220个。谁敢打保票,这么大的社区一个人也不沾上非典?小郑与上级签了“负全责”的责任状,“出了问题拿我是问!”作为第一责任人,他当时心头的压力可想而知,用他自己的话说就是“战战兢兢、如履薄冰”。要想让一万多口人步调一致,战胜看不见的无孔不入的病毒,何等不易!惟一可行的 In early May this year, during the battle against SARS, Zhang Wen, magistrate of Miyun County, received a letter from a resident of the garden community in this county: Zhang County Chief. In these days, I often went to the neighborhood committee to find out that our little director Zheng was too busy. A little idle time is not, I really worried that he was physically exhausted, I hope the county the next order to force him to rest for a few days ... ... Xiao Zheng Zheng Qishu, 37 years old this year, was transferred to the garden in early April this year Community neighborhood committees, was appointed party branch secretary. As soon as he took office, he headed a community resident in the garden and played a hard-line war against SARS. Garden community is the largest community in Miyun County, a total of 57 residential buildings, living 3517 households, 10300 residents, there are 220 shops of the size. Who dare to play security, such a large community is not stained with SARS? Xiao Zheng signed with the superior “full responsibility ” responsibility, “out of the question I ask! ” As the first responsibility Man, he was the pressure of the mind at that time can be imagined, in his own words is “tremble with fear, on thin ice ”. To make more than ten thousand people at the same pace, to defeat the all-pervading virus, how easy! The only feasible
  氢膦烷化学性质的特殊性主要表现在P-H 键上,其能与胺、酚等亲核试剂发生经典的Atherton-Todd 反应[1]。本课题组对双分子氨基酸螺环氢膦烷与酚的类Atherton-Todd 反应已
AIM:To analyze the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 8(EPS8) expression status and role in colorectal carcinogenesis given that EPS8 has a cons
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摘要:本文认为,着眼于初中语文教学愉悦的学习范围的营造和构建,当前存在着课堂范围过于紧张、老师成绩本文思想亚种,校园缺乏有效心理干预机制三个问题,并认为老师应该调节课堂氛围、重视素质教育以及强调构建校园心理干预机会。本文意在推动当前初中语文教学的顺利开展做出应有的贡献。  关键词:初中语文;愉悦学习氛围;营造分析  一、初中语文教学过程中,营造愉悦学习氛围的重要性  初中阶段的语文学习,是一个承上