The Role Evolution of University Faculty

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  【Abstract】Since the funding of the first university in Chinese and the west, the role of university faculty is not always the same rather than changes a lot, which is deeply influenced by social changes. The development of the society makes the teachers’ responsibilities and obligations constantly changing, thus promoting the change of the role of teachers, that is to say, the role of the university faculty has been developed, enriched and improved because of the continuous social changes and civilization progress. Chinese and western university faculty has experienced the evolution of educators, researchers and service providers respectively.
  【Key words】University Faculty; Role Evolution; Comparison
  【作者簡介】马琴(1998.11-),女,回族,宁夏回族自治区人,西南民族大学,2016级本科生,研究方向:英语;张筱媛(1999.07-),女 ,满族,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人,西南民族大学,2017级本科生,研究方向:英语。

1. The role evolution in western countries

  (1) Educator: The original form of universities officially appeared in the middle ages, and this was also the time when teachers’ roles began to rise. The medieval cities required professionals from all walks of life to master professional skills. Therefore, university faculty who have professional knowledge, impart knowledge to students. In this process, university faculty acts as educators.
  (2) Researcher: With the development of ideological movements, universities are no longer dedicated to disseminating knowledge, but also need to cultivate talents for the country to promote social development. In nineteenth Century, most of the university faculty represented by the University Of Berlin, Germany, has become scientific researchers. Since then, scientific research tasks have become teachers’ formal duties.
  (3) Service provider: At the beginning of the twentieth Century, the prevalence of pragmatism in the United States promoted the development of university education. The University of Wisconsin in the United States proposed that university faculty should integrate the service of society and participate widely in various public affairs. Thus they integrated teaching, researching and social services, forming the role of western university faculty.

2. The role evolution in China 

  (1) Educator: During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the development of state institutions needed specialized institutions to cultivate officials. At that time, the full-time officials who are in charge of education appeared. The university faculty act not only as the official but also the teacher. It can be seen that the ancient university faculty in China appeared in double status of educators and state managers.   (2) Researcher: During the late Qing Dynasty, China actively imitated the foreign education, and education reformation is prevalent. In the reform of Peking University which is under the leadership of Cai Yuanpei, a favorable internal environment for the university faculty as researchers firstly has been provided.
  (3) Service provider: Since China’s reform and opening up, china’s economic develops fast and communicates closely with the western universities. In order to meet the needs of social progress, the university faculty do not only serve the society by cultivating talents, but gradually absorbs the functions of serving the society of western universities. The role of university faculty has begun to enrich and perfect, forming the coexistence of three roles of educators, researchers and service providers, which means the rights and obligations of the individual are more and more abundant.

3. Conclusion

  In the process of the formation and development of the role of university faculty in china and the west, different cultural backgrounds make their own production and development differently. Through the Renaissance, the enlightenment and the scientific revolution, the West has formed a mature concept of freedom and rationality, and had a deeply influence on the development of western universities. While China is deeply influenced by the Confucian culture, taking the state as the dominant and center position. Universities are produced and developed in such idea and spontaneously affected by it. Therefore, in order to promote the development of China education, we need to learn from the west, but at the same time, we need to inherit Chinese own culture and form a unique and certain development path of the role evolution of the university faculty in our country.


  [1]YANG Lin-Yuan. The Role Evolution and Implication of University Faculty[D]. Journal of Guizhou Education University,Vol. 33,No.10.Oct,2017.
【摘要】随着全球经济一体化对国际化人才的需求迅速增长,跨文化交际能力成为高校人才培养的主旋律。本文从国际化视角出发,以培养社会急需的应用型人才为目标,把语言知识传授、语言运用能力与跨文化交际能力培养融为一体,优化跨文化交际能力培养模式,提升大学英语教学质量,进一步增强应用型人才的国际竞争力。  【关键词】国际化人才;跨文化交际;培养模式  【Abstract】With the rapid grow
【摘要】随着新课程改革和素质教育的不断推进,教育教学越来越重视学生学习能力的培养与提高,小学英语教学亦不例外。合作学习模式在小学英语教学中的有效引入,能够激发学生学习英语知识的兴趣,让学生带着强烈地欲望进入到合作探究学习之中,能够培养学生自主学习、合作探究的能力,锻炼学生思维能力和创新能力,促进学生的个性化发展,为教师开展更加高效的英语教学奠定坚实基础。  【关键词】小学英语;合作模式;构建策略 
【摘要】思维导图已经成为二十一世纪革命性的工具,现在已经广泛地运用到生活、学习、工作中了,而英语课程的学习一直都是教学中最重要的课程之一。通过思维导图运用到初中英语教学中,可以提高学生对单词的记忆,阅读理解的提高。在英语教学中运用思维导图可以让学生的学习兴趣增加,在拓展了学生的思维的同时,还能提高教学质量。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;教学应用  【作者简介】刘露,东北师范大学东安实验学校(长
在高中英语教学过程中,阅读教学对培养学生的核心素养所发挥的作用是最大的。高中英语新课程标准在语言技能中对于“语篇”有较为具体的描述,在“读”这一项目中明确指出:能理解文章的主旨和作者意图;能通过上下文克服生词困难、理解语篇意义;基于语篇分析的高中阅读教学设计能通过文章中的线索进行推理;能识别不同的文体特征。可见,在高中英语阅读教学中语篇模式教学应该得到重视。一、语篇与高中英语阅读教学  语篇的定义
【摘要】初中教学是一个十分关键的步骤,为了强化教学工作的质量,便可以采取互动式教学方法。教师实际教学时,应结合学生的具体情况,积极采取各种方法,具体教学时合理运用互动式教学方法,从而提高整个初中英语的教学质量。笔者分析了自身的工作经验,并做了具体实际的反思。因此,可以在初中英语教学中积极构建互动式教学方法,便能促进初中英语的发展。  【关键词】互动式教学;初中英语;构建;应用  【作者简介】吕晓婷
【摘要】现如今的教育教学已经由综合知识运用能力的培养转为核心素养的培养,所以,对于高中阶段的英语阅读教学而言,教师应当从培养学生核心素养的角度出发,运用自主阅读、探究阅读、扩展阅读等多种阅读教学方式,在培养学生英语阅读能力的同时培养学生的英语核心素养。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;核心素养;优化策略  【作者简介】谭国栋,山东省济宁高新区第二高级中学。  在以往的高中英语阅读教学中,教师过于注
【摘要】近年来,我国越来越重视人才的重要性,而在全球化进程不断推进的过程中,人才的培养也不能仅限于国家的小范围内了,人才的培养也要步入全球化,因此英语的学习不能停留在表面上的了解,学生要具备英语“听、说、读、写”的能力,还要在学习英语的过程中学会综合应用和感知英语知识,形成英语的核心素养,这也是我国在新课改后提出的重要一点,在核心素养的指导下进行各方面的学习成为学生的新目标。  【关键词】阅读;核
【摘要】阅读在英语学习中扮演着重要角色,“阅读素养”是对“阅读能力”概念的发展,其内涵要大于“阅读能力”。 图片环游本质上是一种分享阅读,是教师和学生共读故事、合作建构意义的过程。为指导学生通过积极的阅读体验,让学生爱上阅读、学会阅读,培养良好的英语阅读素养,笔者近年来将图片环游法应用到中学英语阅读教学中,结合英语分级阅读教材中的教学内容,大胆尝试利用图片环游法来提升学生英语阅读素养,并对其进行实
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