
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wakaji
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真菌性角膜溃疡是严重影响视力及致育的重要疾病。本病的药物治疗方法虽有很多,但探寻可靠而有效的药物疗法仍属必要。现就0.1%硝酸士的宁滴眼液(以下称SM)治疗本病3例报告如下:例1 李×男41岁右眼疼痛来诊,视力下降30余天,曾在当地医院按细菌性角膜溃疡治疗无效,而来本院治疗。全身一般情况好,右眼视力光感,左眼1.0。右眼混合充血,角膜溃疡中央部稍隆起,边缘不齐,眼底窥视不清。溃疡边缘刮片检查出霉菌菌丝,当即用0.1%SM 点眼,每小时一滴,治疗14天后,萤光素染色阴性,溃疡区平复,刺激症状消失,留白斑痊愈。 Fungal corneal ulcer is a serious disease affecting vision and fertility. Although there are many ways to treat this disease, it is still necessary to find reliable and effective drug therapy. Now 0.1% nitric acid Ning eye drops (hereinafter referred to as SM) treatment of the disease in 3 cases reported as follows: Example 1 Li × male 41-year-old right eye pain consultation, vision loss for more than 30 days, had in the local hospital according to bacterial cornea Ulcer treatment is invalid, but to our hospital for treatment. The general condition is good, right eye vision light perception, left eye 1.0. Mixed right eye congestion, corneal ulcer central bulge slightly, the edge is missing, the fundus peep unclear. Mycotic filaments were detected on the edge of the ulcer, and 0.1 ml of SM was immediately blinded for one hour. After 14 days of treatment, the fluorescein stain was negative, the ulcer area recovered and the irritation disappeared, leaving the white spot cured.
An amphiphilic porphyrin, 5, 10, 15, 20-tetra(4-hydroxyphenyl)-porphyrin (P) was solubilized in SDS micellar solutions. By taking advantage of protonation prope
A series of samples of alumina-siloxane gel wrapped by poly (methyl methacrylate) and doped with rare earths such as lanthanum, praseodymium, yttrium, gadoliniu
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目的 :探讨婴儿肝炎综合征 (婴肝征 )血清总胆汁酸 (TBA)变化、相关因素及意义。方法 :观察婴肝征 3 3例急性期、临床好转期 (好转期 )及 17例临床痊愈期 (痊愈期 )。同龄正