Effects of p-type GaN thickness on optical properties of Ga N-based light-emitting diodes

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candy129
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The influence of p-type Ga N(p Ga N) thickness on the light output power(LOP) and internal quantum efficiency(IQE) of light emitting diode(LED) was studied by experiments and simulations. The LOP of Ga N-based LED increases as the thickness of p Ga N layer decreases from 300 nm to 100 nm, and then decreases as the thickness decreases to 50 nm. The LOP of LED with 100-nm-thick pG a N increases by 30.9% compared with that of the conventional LED with 300-nm-thick p Ga N. The variation trend of IQE is similar to that of LOP as the decrease of Ga N thickness. The simulation results demonstrate that the higher light efficiency of LED with 100-nm-thick p Ga N is ascribed to the improvements of the carrier concentrations and recombination rates. The influence of p-type Ga N (p Ga N) thickness on the light output power (LOP) and internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of light emitting diode (LED) was studied by experiments and simulations. The LOP of Ga N-based LED increases as the thickness of p Ga N layer decreases from 300 nm to 100 nm, and then decreases as the thickness decreases to 50 nm. The LOP of LED with 100-nm-thick pG a N increases by 30.9% compared with that of the conventional trend of IQE is similar to that of LOP as the decrease of Ga N thickness. The simulation results demonstrate that the higher light efficiency of LEDs with 100-nm-thick p Ga N is ascribed to the improvements of the carrier concentrations and recombination rates.
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