
来源 :云南教育(中学教师) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laozhoudehua
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初中生作为英语初学者,如果在英语写作训练中,教师所命制的话题与学生的读本关联性不强,致使语篇阅读与写作教学脱节,将不利于学生在写作前获得相关话题的语言输入,出现无话可说的情形,阻碍学生写作能力的提高。为此,本文拟从结合英语语篇,提炼写作话题,谈谈怎样有效地开展基于语篇的写作教学,为写作训练提供一些基本策略,起到抛砖引玉的作用。一、中考话题与教材梳理分析中考英语写作命题关注“学生话题、现实生活、热 Junior high school students as English beginners, if in the English writing training, the topic of the teacher is not related to the reading of the students, resulting in discourse reading and writing teaching, will not help students get the language of the topic before writing Input, there is nothing to say, hinder the improvement of writing ability of students. Therefore, this article intends to combine the English discourse, refining the topic of writing, talk about how to effectively carry out discourse-based writing teaching, writing training for the provision of some basic strategies, play a pioneering role. First, senior high school entrance examination topics and textbooks combing analysis Senior high school entrance examination in English writing proposition ”student topic, real life, hot
Double pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions is a fascinating platform for studying properties of resonances,however,theoretical study in this aspect is
目的确定部分与全部肌瘤梗死对子宫肌瘤相关症状的缓解及免于重复微创介入治疗的影响,评价病人年龄、主要肌瘤位置、肌瘤数量、基线子宫及主要肌瘤体积是否与临床治疗失败 O
In the well deformed 160 mass region,extensive studies of typical rotational properties in nuclei have been carried out both experimentally and theoretically[1]
1、临床表现: 外阴瘙痒是妇科常见病,瘙痒常发生在阴蒂和小阴唇附近,大阴唇、会阴或肛门附近也可发生.一般经常在月经期前后发生,夜间或吃刺激性食物后加重,严重时影响工作和
The main characteristics of the sodium pipe system in demonstration fast reactor are high-temperature, thin-wall and big-caliber, which is different from the hi
【摘要】本文通过对日常生活中原语言者和非原语言者之间产生误解的实例与原因进行分析,强调掌握不同语言及文化的重要性。对中国和英语国家之间文化及语言差异作分析领会,从而避免交流中的误解。  【关键词】语用学 跨文化 差异 交流  来自不同国家的人们,甚至不同民族的人们,他们都熟悉各自的文化和语言,相互间存在的差异在不同种族间划出鸿沟。本文通过分析中国和西方国家之间的文化及语言的差异,以期避免交流中的误