Qinzhou Garden Shines Around the World

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  The Garden & Horticulture Expo is planned to be hosted by 14 cities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on a rotational basis. Each year, a bid is held for the right to host the event in the following year. The 9th Guangxi Garden & Horticulture Expo to be held in Qinzhou in early December, 2016 will definitely add some luster to this coastal city.
  The main feature of the exposition is these 14 gardens. Each one exhibits its unique characteristics and horticulture that best represent the 14 cities of Guangxi. There are gardens for Qinzhou, Nanning, Liuzhou, Guigang, Hezhou, Beihai, Wuzhou, Guilin, Fangchenggang, Hechi, Yulin, Baise, Chongzuo and Laibin. Therefore, if you want to visit Guangxi within one day, please just relax yourself and enjoy the charm of the 9th Guangxi Garden & Horticulture Expo in Qinzhou with your families and friends.
  Traditional marine style
  By virtue of sufficient sunshine, enchanting sea, charming beach, fresh air and subtropical scenery, Qinzhou boasts great tourism resources in Guangxi, creating a distinctive marine culture. As the cradle of the “Countryside on the Sea” and the “Home of Oyster” in the south of China, Qinzhou has applied the marine elements into the design of the 9th Guangxi Garden & Horticulture Expo. Traditional seaside accessories such as fishing boat, reefs, bucket and spade are designed at the entrance, highlighting its position in the ancient Maritime Silk Road. As the point of the Maritime Silk Road, Qinzhou provides a sea route for trade and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries in ancient times.
  At the sight of these marine elements, a familiar picture would come into your mind: On a chilly morning in early spring, a couple carrying with the bucket and spade go fishing on the sea. As evening comes on, they return home and prepare their meals with rich sea products, like fresh oysters, crisp seaweeds, succulent crabs, colorful scallop and tasty mantis shrimp, etc. Also, collecting shellfish is a popular pastime for the locals. If you’re careful enough, exquisite decorations made out of conch, scallop and others can be found in the Qinzhou Garden.
  Residents have attached to the sea and the sea has helped speed up the development of Qinzhou. For local fishermen, fishing served as their main source of livelihood. People here have a long tradition of respecting for the nature. The natives respect for the sea in practical ways. An injured sea bird would be nursed by the residents, and the newly born fishes will be released into the sea. Such behaviors are common in this land where people believe that helping other beings is helping themselves. The marine culture extends right across this sea, so as to preserve such harmonious relationships on this crowded coast.   Graceful charm of Qinzhou Garden
  Located in the east of the city, Qinzhou Garden connects the Jingang Avenue to the east, the Jingang Railway to the west, the Nixing Pottery Cultural Industrial Park to the south, and the Jinhaiwan Street to the north. With a total area of about 80 hectare, Qinzhou Garden has organically integrated the elements of the sea, Nixing pottery and the ASEAN by taking advantages of the existing mountains, forest, lakes, rivers and islands. The 9th Guangxi (Qinzhou) Garden & Horticulture Expo themed with “Charming Coastal City; Home of Nixing Pottery” aims to build a comprehensive and permanent garden depending on the pleasant idyllic scene and the culture of Guangxi.
  Traditional marine style
  By virtue of sufficient sunshine, enchanting sea, charming beach, fresh air and subtropical scenery, Qinzhou owns great tourism resource in Guangxi, creating a distinctive marine culture. Nowadays, Qinzhou, a city in the southern seaboard, is home to over three million people. As ancient traditions mingle with new aspirations, the marine culture of Qinzhou has been well preserved, reflecting significant elements of their daily lives. Within the Qinzhou Garden, there are surprising evidences of the marine culture. As the cradle of the “Countryside on the Sea” and the “Home of Oyster” in the south of China, Qinzhou has applied the marine elements into the design of the 9th Guangxi (Qinzhou) Garden & Horticulture Expo. Traditional seaside accessories such as fishing boat, reefs, bucket and spade are designed at the entrance, highlighting its position in the ancient Maritime Silk Road. As the point of the Maritime Silk Road, Qinzhou provides a sea route for trade and cultural exchanges between ancient China and foreign countries.
  At the sight of these marine elements, a familiar picture would come into your mind: On a chilly morning in early spring, a couple carrying with the bucket and spade go fishing on the sea. As evening comes on, they return home and prepare their evening meal with rich sea products, like fresh oysters, crisp seaweeds, succulent crabs, colorful scallop and tasty mantis shrimp, etc. Also, collecting shellfish is a popular pastime for the locals. If you’re careful enough, exquisite decorations made out of conch, scallop and others can be found in the Qinzhou Garden.
  Qinzhou have a deep feeling for the sea and residents are fully aware that the sea helps speed up the development of Qinzhou. For local fishermen, fishing is   The treasured Nixing pottery
  There are so many old sayings that gold can be priced but not pottery. Some people believed that it is better to own one piece of pottery than ten million cash. As a traditional art and craft, Nixing pottery has been sold to many countries and regions, including Japan, the U.S., Germany and ASEAN. The Nixing Pottery Museum as the main exhibition hall of the 9th Guangxi Garden & Horticulture Expo has become a landmark of Qinzhou. Relying on the surrounding ecological environment, the museum seems like a gem sparkling on the green fields.
  In the recent years, remarkable progresses in various fields have been registered by Qinzhou. Particularly, Nixing pottery made out of the local clay is a traditional folk craft in Qinzhou, as well as one of the top four potteries in China. Famous for its simplicity and elegance, Nixing pottery is hailed as a unique art in China. With a long history which can be dated back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Qinzhou’s Nixing pottery has accumulated a wealth of material and spiritual culture, becoming a distinctive art of pottery. The purple clay, the raw material of the Nixing pottery, is produced in both banks of the Qinjiang River. After the polishing, the earthenware could be very bright. Putting aside those complicated theories, one may appreciate the Nixing pottery from five simple aspects: its shape, craft, glaze, reputation, and volume of production. If you are an earthenware enthusiast, Nixing pottery would be the best choice for your collection.
  In the museum, every surrounding articles ranging from the walls to the stairs has integrated the elements of Nixing pottery. Fine potteries are demonstrated in the showcase, reflecting the ingenuity of the craftsmen. Furthermore, you may have a chance to catch a glimpse of the masters’ elegant demeanor. Constant efforts yield sure success. A polished Nixing pottery must experience thoroughly tempered, just like a sharp sword. Deeply influenced by this inherited culture, craftsmen of Nixing pottery are always patient. “A good craftsman can make precious works,” a master said. Just like this sparkling treasure, Qinzhou is also bound to enjoy a bright future.
  The connections with ASEAN
  As an important access to the sea, Qinzhou serves as one of the most convenient gateway cities. Today, Qinzhou is closely keeping up with the new development and striving to make itself the logistics center and cultural exchange platform for the cooperation between ASEAN and China.   Within the Qinzhou Garden, the elements of ASEAN such as plants, fruits and classical images from ASEAN countries are shown brilliantly and effectively, exhibiting the long-lasting friendship between both sides. Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP) and China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (CMQIP) have become much-told stories in the trade history between Malaysia and China. In particular, the rapid development of CMQIP was praised as the “Qinzhou Speed” by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. With the friendly communication between ASEAN and China, Qinzhou has served as an important window for promoting economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.
  So let us slow our steps, press the shutter button, enjoy the natural beauty, and appreciate glorious achievements exhibited in the Qinzhou Garden. Qinzhou, like a huge steamboat installed with a double-turbo engine, is sailing fast towards a more beautiful future.
  Highlights of other gardens
  When you hear a sweet voice, you are in the Nanning Garden which is characterized by the Yong Opera. Upon entering the garden, colorful facial makeups hanging on the wall will dazzle you. Based on the Dong’s village in the Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, and these colorful festival elements of the Miao People, Liuzhou Garden has represented its unique ethnic culture and beauty. Near the Liuzhou Garden, there is the Guilin Garden. Let me suggest you to guess what a place will be before you start your trip. With unparalleled landscapes, Guilin Garden has displayed the majesty, danger and beauty of the Mao’er Mountain, as well as the breathtaking charm and transparency of the Lijiang River, leaving a paradise to impress every visitor. Themed with “Colorful Yulin and Ecological Garden”, Yulin Garden has highlighted its splendid farming culture, dazzling flower fields and ecological landscapes, presenting its livable and harmonious metropolitan style.
  There are so many things that the eyes are fully occupied. Either a view of the water running in the Hongshui River in the Hechi Garden, or a bird flying over the luxuriant camphor tree forest in the Hezhou Garden, or the everlasting songs about the Pangu culture in the Laibin Garden, or a bustling sign of the trading port in the Wuzhou Garden, or a butterfly resting on ethnic ancient buildings in the Baise Garden, or several children having fun with the shell in the Beihai Garden, or the folkways of the border area in the Chongzuo Garden, or the glamour of sea in the Fangchenggang Garden, or a feast of lotus in the Guigang Garden will allow you a longer stay on this beautiful and mysterious land.
  The 9th Guangxi Garden & Horticulture Expo follows the principle of harmonious coexistence between nature and human, tradition and modernity, as well as ecology and city. Also, it fully demonstrates the characteristics of Guangxi’s landscapes. With a strong cultural atmosphere, there are numerous enjoyable things waiting for your exploration.
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