Why don't Chinese Families Say"I Love You "?为什么中国家庭说不出“我爱你”?

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   “I love you” might be one of the most important three-words in the English language. It signs that a romantic relationship is serious, and shows the close relationship of sibling1, parents, or children, it is also a common lyrics2 in pop songs.
   “I love you”或许是英语中最重要的三字句之一。它是人们认真对待一段恋情的标志,同时也能表达兄弟姐妹、父母和孩子间的亲密关系,它也常常出现在流行歌曲的歌词里。
   In Mandarin, “I love you” means “我爱你” (Wo ai ni), but the way it’s used in China might be a little different from Western countries, and Chinese media wants to know the reason.
   “I love you” 在普通话里表示“我爱你”(Wo ai ni),但在中国这句话用法有些不同于西方国家,中国媒体也想知道其中的原因。
   The Global Times reports two online videos which show that children tell their parents “I love you” and the videos become popular in China. The first video is filmed by an Anhui TV station. It shows many college students telling their parents “I love you”. There are various3 responses from parents. Such as, “Are you drunk?” asked one parent. The second video is shot by a Shanxi TV station. A father even responded— “I am going to a meeting, so cut the crap.”
   There are only a few positive responses: “I am so happy you called to say that, it is the happiest thing for me in 2014,” one parent answered.
   Why don’t Chinese families use those words? It is widely said that Chinese people is influenced by Confucian teaching, or the thought of 20th Century Communism. “The parents’ responses show that many Chinese are not good at expressing positive4 emotions,” Xia Xueluan, a sociologist from Peking University, told the Global Times. “They are used to teaching children with negative5 language.”
   Last year China Daily asked people from some classes if they said ‘I love you’ to their parents, spouses6, and children. “I have never said ‘I love you’ to my family, and I don’t think I will in the future,” one 56-year-old told the paper. “Saying it aloud is embarrassing7 for me.”
   Still, that doesn’t mean that love can’t be expressed. In another article, China Daily spoke to Zhao Mengmeng, she is a 31-year-old woman and she said she had never told her father she loved him face-to-face (“I think it a little odd”). Sometimes actions speak louder than words, however — Zhao gave her father, a single parent, a photo album8 full of photographs of them together on almost her every birthdays her in June 2012. The pictures went popular and have been forwarded thousands of times on Weibo.
   “I didn’t sleep the night when I knew it,” her father told China Daily after the story got many people’s attention. “I can now remember some of the comment9 under the pictures.”
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