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雪花纷纷扬扬,像飘洒到人间的精灵。在一个寒冷的冬日,一对老夫妇相互搀扶着走进了麦当劳,像是从岁月的长长久久中走出来。在这个到处都是年轻人的地方,他们看起来有点格格不入。餐厅里的客人羡慕地望着他们,甚至一些人在窃窃私语:“看,那对老人一定在一起生活了好多年,也许60年,或者都已经过了钻石婚了。”瘦小的老头径直走到点餐台点好餐。他点了一个汉堡、一包薯条还有一份饮料,一切都是一份。老人拿着托盘走回他们的座位,他撕下汉堡包装纸,然后很认真地把汉堡切成了大小相等的两份,一份放在自己面前,一份放在妻子面前。之后他又把薯条分成了两份,一份留给自己,一份给了妻子。最后老头把吸管插进杯子里,吸了一口饮料,然后看了老妇人一眼。老头又拿起汉堡咬了一口, Snow flutters like a fairy fluttering to the earth. On a cold winter day, an old couple walks in and out of each other and enters McDonald’s, as if they are coming out of a long, long time. In places where young people are everywhere, they seem a bit out of place. The guests in the restaurant looked at them enviously, and even some people whispered: “Look, that old people must have lived together for many years, maybe 60 years, or have all been diamond-married.” The thin old man went straight away Have a good meal at the dining table. He ordered a hamburger, a bag of chips and a drink. Everything was a copy. The old man took the tray and walked back to their seat. He tore the hamburger wrapper, and then carefully cut the burger into two equal portions, one in front of him and one in front of his wife. After that, he divided the fries into two parts, one for himself and one for his wife. Finally, the old man put the straw into the cup, took a drink, and then looked at the old woman. The old man took a burger and took a bite.
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80年代初期,我国学术界结束了“文革”时期的封闭状态,放眼观察世界,冷静反思“文革” 以后的现实,开启了人学研究领域的大门。从那时起,国人才以开拓和探索的理论勇气’涉