承接历史重任 明确理财思路

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十八届三中全会对财政职能赋予新涵义,提高到国家治理的基础和重要支柱的高度来定位,这意味着财政人肩上的担子更重,深感使命光荣,责任重大。全面深化改革要求财税系统广大干部要高瞻远瞩,提高认识,转变工作思路,增强为民理财的服务意识,想方设法提高财政资金的运行和使用效率,在提高财政工作的主动性、科学性和高效性方面积极作为。财政体制改革也要求财税干部积极研究改革中出现的新情况和新问题,大胆探索,勇于创新,增强理财的前瞻性。深化地方预算管理制度改革,尽快建立完整、规范、透明、高效的预算管理制度。强化预算执行的刚性约束,减少部门和人为的干预,真正实现依法理财。弱化对政府收入预算的考核,依法治税,真实反映税收增减趋势和规模,发挥 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee has given new meaning to the fiscal function and raised its position on the basis of state governance and on the pillars of the major pillars. This means that the financial burden on financial officers is even greater, shouldering the glorious mission and great responsibility. Deepening the reform in an all-round way requires that all cadres in the taxation and taxation system should take a broad and long-term view, raise awareness, change working ideas and enhance their sense of serving the people and find ways to improve the operation and efficiency of their financial resources. In improving the initiative, scientificalness and efficiency of fiscal work Active as. The reform of the financial system also requires fiscal and tax cadres to actively study new situations and new problems that have emerged in the reform, boldly explore and innovate, and enhance the forward-looking nature of financial management. Deepen the reform of the local budget management system and establish a complete, standardized, transparent and efficient budget management system as soon as possible. We will strengthen the rigid constraints on budget execution, reduce departmental and man-made interventions and truly make money according to law. Weakening the assessment of the government’s income budget, taxing according to the law, and truly reflecting the trend of tax revenue increases and decreases, to play
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作者Author期 页码No . Page艾 京AIJing 6 6 99安国顺ANGuo shun 4 42 5艾斯卡尔Askar 2 2 2 6白坚石BAIJian shi 2 15 5白俊杰BAIJun jie 4 4886 72 5白晓阳BAIXiao yang 4 5 0 6包金风BAOJin f Author Author Page Page No. Page Ai Jing