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【正】 由中华诗词学会、庐山白鹿洞书院等单位联合举办的,中华诗词表现艺术研讨会于1992年11月15日至20在海南省海口市举行。来自全国各地的专家、学者及诗词爱好者百余人出席了会议,并提交论文50余篇。此次研讨会重点是围绕中华诗词的表现艺术及其特征、中华诗词的未来发展前途等内容展开的。兹将讨论的主要内容分述于下:
<正>Scitech Tower is the first joint-ventured office building for aliens in Beijing. Since its opening on September 1,1987, she has been known for many firsts i
<正>Hungary&#39;s ai,m at the 2010 World Expo is to introduce the country s natural resources,people,economy and culture to visitors from different countries,th
<正>France&#39;s leading household appliance manufacturer Groupe SEB on November 20 began the final process of purchasing a majority stake in Zhejiang Supor Coo
<正> 一、高职的培养目标决定了高职的招生对象应以招收中职毕业生为主,这既符合高职的办学规律,又有利于高职办出特色高等职业技术教育培养的是高层次应用型人才。诸如工艺
<正>Sales of flat screen TV in China are predicted to double from 3.8 million in 2006 to 7.5 million sets in 2007. according to research by CCID Consulting.&#39
<正>On December 8,2005, the press conference of EU-China Partenariat 2006 was held at the People&#39;s Congress Hall in Beijing. After the formal proclamation o