Role of abnormal lipid metabolism in development,progression,diagnosis and therapy of pancreatic can

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yy5621913
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There is growing evidence that metabolic alterations play an important role in cancer development and progression.The metabolism of cancer cells is reprogrammed in order to support their rapid proliferation.Elevated fatty acid synthesis is one of the most important aberrations of cancer cell metabolism.An enhancement of fatty acids synthesis is required both for carcinogenesis and cancer cell survival,as inhibition of key lipogenic enzymes slows down the growth of tumor cells and impairs their survival.Based on the data that serum fatty acid synthase(FASN),also known as oncoantigen 519,is elevated in patients with certain types of cancer,its serum level was proposed as a marker of neoplasia.This review aims to demonstrate the changes in lipid metabolism and other metabolic processes associated with lipid metabolism in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(PDAC),the most common pancreatic neoplasm,characterized by high mortality.We also addressed the influence of some oncogenic factors and tumor suppressors on pancreatic cancer cell metabolism.Additionally the review discusses the potential role of elevated lipid synthesis in diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer.In particular,FASN is a viable candidate for indicator of pathologic state,marker of neoplasia,as well as,pharmacological treatment target in pancreatic cancer.Recent research showed that,in addition to lipogenesis,certain cancer cells can use fatty acids from circulation,derived from diet(chylomicrons),synthesized in liver,or released from adipose tissue for their growth.Thus,the interactions between de novo lipogenesis and uptake of fatty acids from circulation by PDAC cells require further investigation. There is growing evidence that metabolic alterations play an important role in cancer development and progression. The metabolism of cancer cells is reprogrammed in order to support their rapid proliferation. Elevated fatty acid synthesis is one of the most important aberrations of cancer cell metabolism. An enhancement of fatty acids synthesis is required both for carcinogenesis and cancer cell survival, as inhibition of key lipogenic enzymes slows down the growth of tumor cells and impairs their survival. Based on the data that serum fatty acid synthase (FASN), also known as oncoantigen 519 , is elevated in patients with certain types of cancer, whose serum level was proposed as a marker of neoplasia. This review aims to demonstrate the changes in lipid metabolism and other metabolic processes associated with lipid metabolism in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common pancreatic neoplasm, characterized by high mortality.We also addressed the influence of some oncogenic factors and t umor suppressors on pancreatic cancer cell metabolism. Additionally the review discusses the potential role of elevated lipid synthesis in diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer. In particular, FASN is a viable candidate for indicator of pathologic state, marker of neoplasia, as well as, pharmacological treatment target in pancreatic cancer. Research shows that in addition to lipogenesis, certain cancer cells can use fatty acids from circulation, derived from diet (chylomicrons), synthesized in liver, or released from adipose tissue for their growth. between de novo lipogenesis and uptake of fatty acids from circulation by PDAC cells require further investigation.
【摘要】本文通过对机电一体化专业教学计划适时调整、加大实验室和实训基地建设力度、加强“双师”素质教师队伍建设、严格教学过程管理等方面的具体做法,说明工学结合教育模式改革取得的成效。  【关键词】工学结合教育模式改革  工学结合是职业院校体现职业教育教学特色的重要工作,各教育行政部门对此十分重视,特别是教育部2006(16)号文件对此提出了具体要求,这表明职业院校必须探索和实施工学结合教育模式,对现
摘要:本文首先分析了工程总承包项目管理中存在的问题,进而从建立和健全总承包市场的法律和法规、理顺总承包管理机制、提高工程总承包项目管理者的素质、加强信息化在总承包项目管理中的应用等方面阐述了全面提高工程总承包项目管理水平的措施,以供参考。  关键词:建筑工程;工程总承包;项目管理    一、前言  工程总承包是指从事工程总承包的企业(以下简称工程总承包企业)受业主委托,按照合同约定对工程项目的勘察
【摘要】近年来,高职院校越来越多地关注计算机专业的教学模式。本文分析了目前高职院校计算机教学存在的问题,提出了一些适合于高职计算机专业的教学模式。  【关键词】高职计算机教学模式  随着我国经济的不断发展,对计算机类人才的需求日益增加,各个高职院校也在争相培养这方面的人才,计算机专业成为了高职院校普遍开设的专业。然而,在高职计算机类人才培养方面存在着矛盾的局面,即在计算机类人才就业空间大、需求广的
【摘要】校企合作是职业教育实现人才培养目标的重要途径,也是企业引进人才而获得发展的有效方法,使职业院校和企业实现共赢。校企合作当前存在相关法规制度不健全、企业参与积极性低以及校企合作层次较浅等问题。完善校企合作模式,需政府、企业、职业院校以及学生等各方面努力配合。  【关键词】职业教育校企合作  职业教育的培养目标是培养社会发展而需要的实用型人才,特别是企业所需求的生产一线技术型人才,这就决定了职
【摘要】职业教育的课程开发,是对学生在接受职业教育期间的全部教学内容和全部教学活动加以规范和设计,是对职业教育的教学过程进行总体规划。这里包括对就业导向的职业教育的课程,其教育和教学目标、内容、过程、方法、条件等进行界定、选择、组织和评价,并通过课程实验对其进行修订和完善。所以,课程开发是对职业教育课程全部内涵所进行的可行性研究。  职业教育的课程开发依然要遵循职业性原则,从工作出发来选择课程内容
编辑同志: 我从《湖南农业》上看到介绍高产红薯品种南薯88的信息后,1994年,即想方设法引进试种,结果,夺得了前所未有的高产。往年,同样的面积,只能挖鲜薯900公斤,今年竞挖