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西峡县人民法院充分发挥审判职能作用,打击破坏森林资源的违法犯罪活动,一手抓严打,一手抓普法,出现了破坏森林资源案件下降、森林覆盖面积上升、农民普法人数上升的『一降两升』好势头。该院首先对破坏森林资源的案件优先审理,公开审理,对破坏森林资源犯罪严审严判,判实刑,决不减、缓、免,遏制了滥伐林木之风。其次,该院重点突出普法宣传教育,把『砍自留山树』和『伐承包责任山树』也犯法的典型案件,从公开庭审到公开宣判在全县进行电视直播,以案说法;该院还在每年的『植树节』、『五一』国际劳动节期间,发挥下设7个中心法庭的职能作用,包片向农民讲《森林法》、《刑法》等法制教育课,使农民朋友明白对自留山、承包责任山上的树木无证采伐和超计划滥伐都是违法犯罪行为,避免了滥伐林木事件的发生。再者,给林站、林 Xixia County People’s Court has given full play to its judicial function and cracked down on illegal and criminal activities that destroy forest resources. With one hand, it has done a lot of crackdowns and the other hand has grasped the popularization of law. There has been a drop in cases of destroying forest resources, an increase in forest cover and an increase in the number of farmers’ Rise “good momentum. First of all, the hospital tried the cases of destroying forest resources first and tried them in public. The court severely sentenced those sentenced to violating the forest resources crime and sentenced them to verdicts, and never reduced, slowed or avoided the deforestation. Second, the hospital focused on publicity and education in popularizing law. Typical cases of ”cutting the tree of self-preservation“ and ”cutting the tree of responsibility for the responsibility of contracting mountains“ were broadcast live from the public hearing to the public in the county on television. The court said During the annual ”Arbor Day“ and ”May Day" International Labor Day, the Center also functions under the function of seven central courts. It provides the peasants with legal education courses such as the Forest Law and the Criminal Law, Understand that it is an offense against undocumented illegal logging and super-plan deforestation on the hill of self-sustaining mountains and contracting responsibility for the trees to avoid deforestation events. Again, to the Linzhan, Lin
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