鲁台亲兄弟 两岸一家人——赴台湾考察报告

来源 :山东人力资源和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gui_123456
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去年8月中旬,笔者随同省政府台湾事务办公室组织的山东省经贸合作交流团,赴台湾进行考察访问。在台期间与台湾各界广泛接触交流,主动对接台商需求,听取台胞台商在山东发展的意见建议,达到了推动鲁台经贸合作、更好地服务两地发展的目的。基本情况此次山东省经贸合作交流团由省台办、省人社厅、省发改委等16个省直部门负责为台胞台商服务的工作人员组成,绝大部分成员是首次赴台,是一次感受之旅、了解之旅、热爱 In mid August last year, I accompanied the Shandong Provincial Economic and Trade Cooperation and Exchange Group organized by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the provincial government to visit and study in Taiwan. During his stay in Taiwan, he had extensive contacts and exchanges with all walks of life in Taiwan, took the initiative to meet the needs of Taiwanese businessmen and listened to the opinions and suggestions made by Taiwan businessmen on their development in Shandong Province. The goal was to promote economic and trade cooperation with Taiwan and better serve the development of the two places. Basic Situation The Shandong Provincial Economic and Trade Cooperation and Exchange Delegation was composed of 16 provincial departments directly under the Taiwan Affairs Office, Provincial Department of Social Affairs, Provincial Development and Reform Commission and other departments responsible for serving Taiwanese businessmen in Taiwan. Most of the members came to Taiwan for the first time. A trip to feel, to understand the journey, love
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