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《复兴中华建筑文化的必要性和紧迫性》一文,最早源于沈阳建筑大学教授黄墉、武志刚先生等在“中华建筑文化复兴和发展研讨会”上的发言。后经本刊约稿,由黄墉、武志刚、孙雯婧将其整理成文。这篇文章从宇宙观、世界观和哲学的高度,深刻论述了中华文化与西方文化的差别,阐述了中华文化五千年绵延不断发展至今并为世界认同的深层次原因,同时揭示了中华建筑文化与中华传统文化之间的派生和依存关系。本刊编辑部对这篇文章十分重视,认为它是从理论高度阐述复兴中华建筑文化重要性与紧迫性的一篇好文章,能给人以深刻的启发。同时考虑到文章涉及哲学理论方面的例证较多,为更加适合建筑从业人员阅读,由本刊对该文进行了编辑加工,保留了原文理论阐述的精华,深化了中华建筑文化与中华传统文化丝丝相扣的派生依存关系以及近百年来中华建筑文化被边缘化的原因分析,加进了复兴中华建筑文化要做的工作等相关内容。这篇文章是迄今为止从理论高度和对近百年历史深刻分析的角度,阐释中华文化与中华建筑文化被排斥、被边缘化原因的最深刻、最有说服力的文章。它对于改变社会上一些人对传统建筑文化的偏见,提高广大同仁对复兴中华建筑文化必要性和紧迫性的自觉有重要意义。这篇文章是集体智慧的结晶,反映了当代古建学人对复兴中华建筑文化诸多问题的深入思考。今特以“本刊特约评论员”名义发表,以示重视,并飨读者。 “The Necessity and Urgency of Rejuvenating Chinese Architectural Culture” was first introduced by Prof. Huang Zhi and Wu Zhigang, professors of Shenyang Jianzhu University at the “Seminar on Renaissance and Development of Chinese Architecture and Culture”. After the article by the manuscript, written by Huang Zhi, Wu Zhigang, Sun Wenjing organize them. This essay profoundly expounds the differences between Chinese culture and western culture from the perspective of cosmology, world outlook and philosophy. It expounds the deep-seated reasons why the five thousand years of Chinese culture have been extended to the present and is recognized as the world. At the same time, The Derivation and Dependence of Chinese Traditional Culture. Our editorial department attaches great importance to this article and considers it a good essay that expounds the importance and urgency of rebuilding the Chinese architectural culture from a theoretical perspective and gives a profound inspiration. At the same time, considering that there are many examples in the article about philosophical theory, it is more suitable for construction practitioners to read and edit the text by this journal, retaining the essence of the original theory and deepening the relationship between Chinese architectural culture and Chinese traditional culture The deduced dependencies, the analysis of the causes of the marginalization of the Chinese architectural culture in the past century, and the related work to be done in revitalizing the Chinese architectural culture. This article is by far the most profound and persuasive article explaining the reasons why Chinese culture and Chinese architectural culture are marginalized and marginalized from the theoretical perspective and from a profound analysis of nearly a hundred years of history. It is of great significance to changing the prejudice of some people in the community towards the traditional architectural culture and raising the awareness of the vast majority of my colleagues about the necessity and urgency of revitalizing the Chinese architectural culture. This article is the crystallization of collective wisdom and reflects the contemplation of contemporary ancient architects on many issues concerning the renaissance of Chinese architectural culture. This special “” “special commentator ” published in the name, to show the importance and readers.
据《TheInternationalJournalofPressureVesselsandPiping》2 0 0 1年 1月号报道 ,使用非线性CDM(连续统故障机理模型 )估算了一台 2 0 0MW汽轮机高压转子的低循环疲劳破坏和寿命。估算结果与由LDA(线性破坏累积 )理 According to “Th