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《义务教育数学课程标准(2011年版)》提出的数学教育新理念,强调了对数学思想方法的认识以及数学思想方法对小学数学教学的重要意义。数学思想是人们对数学知识的本质认识,是具体数学知识的提升和凝结,具有普遍的指导意义,是用数学知识解决现实问题的指导思想。数学方法是在数学思想指导下,解决现实问题时所采用的方式 The new concept of mathematics education proposed in the Standard of Compulsory Education Mathematics Curriculum (2011 Edition) emphasizes the understanding of mathematical thinking and methods and the importance of mathematical thinking and method in primary school mathematics teaching. Mathematical thinking is the people’s understanding of the nature of mathematical knowledge, the ascension and condensation of specific mathematical knowledge, which has universal guiding significance and is the guiding ideology of solving practical problems with mathematical knowledge. Mathematical method is under the guidance of mathematical thinking, to solve practical problems in the way
教育的目的就是守住孩子当下的幸福,成就孩子幸福的明天。从懵懂的新手教师到幼儿园园长,笔者走过了30年;从稚嫩逐步走向了成熟,当沉淀过后,作为园长,教育使命就是:在幼儿园内涵发展上下功夫,感召教师了解孩子、尊重孩子,与孩子共生共长;用真诚的爱,给孩子一个自然生长的童年、一个自主快乐的童年、一个自由幸福的童年,从而成就孩子当下的幸福和幸福的明天。  笔者一直坚信的教育理念就是将爱带进幼儿园,让孩子们能
一、防菌防霉的基本方法 防菌防霉是对微生物带来的危害进行控制,也就是说,防菌防霉技术能有效地防止细菌和霉的生长和发育,或者将其杀灭,从而确保人类的正常生活不受微生物
In this study,a straightforward,one-step wet-end formation process was employed to prepare cellulose/graphene conductive paper for antistatic packing materials.
Lignin is the main by-product of pulp and papermaking and is not effectively utilized. Conversion of industrial lignins into value-added materials is beneficial
利用聚木糖酶对硫酸盐蓝桉浆进行漂白预处理,通过测定酶预漂白处理后所得纸浆(卡伯值、白度、己烯糖醛酸含量(Hex A)、聚木糖去除以及纸浆得率损失)和废水(COD、BOD、色度以及电导