Does overshoot in leaf development of ponderosa pine in wet years leads to bark beetle outbreaks on

来源 :Forest Ecosystems | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenrg210
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Background: Frequent outbreaks of insects and diseases have been recorded in the native forests of western North America during the last few decades, but the distribution of these outbreaks has been far from uniform. In some cases, recent climatic variations may explain some of this spatial variation along with the presence of expansive forests composed of dense, older trees. Forest managers and policy makers would benefit if areas especially prone to disturbance could be recognized so that mitigating actions could be taken.Methods: We use two ponderosa pine-dominated sites in western Montana, U.S.A. to apply a modeling approach that couples information acquired via remote sensing, soil surveys, and local weather stations to assess where bark beetle outbreaks might first occur and why. Although there was a general downward trend in precipitation for both sites over the period between 1998 and 2010(slope =-1.3, R2= 0.08), interannual variability was high. Some years showed large increases followed by sharp decreases. Both sites had similar topography and fire histories, but bark beetle activity occurred earlier(circa 2000 to 2001) and more severely on one site than on the other. The initial canopy density of the two sites was also similar, with leaf area indices ranging between 1.7-2.0 m2?m-2. We wondered if the difference in bark beetle activity was related to soils that were higher in clay content at site I than at site II. To assess this possibility, we applied a process-based stand growth model(3-PG) to analyze the data and evaluate the hypotheses.Results: We found that when wet years were followed by drier years, the simulated annual wood production per unit of leaf area, a measure of tree vigor, dropped below a critical threshold on site I but not on site II.Conclusion: We concluded that the difference in vulnerability of the two stands to beetle outbreaks can be explained largely by differences in gross photosynthesis attributed to the fact that an equivalent amount of stored water in the rooting zone(100 mm) is extracted less efficiently from fine-textured soils than from coarse-textured ones. Background: Frequent outbreaks of insects and diseases have been recorded in the native forests of western North America during the last few decades, but the distribution of these outbreaks has been far from uniform. In some cases, recent climatic variations may explain some of this spatial variation along with the presence of expansive forests composed of dense, older trees. Forest managers and policy makers would benefit if areas especially prone to disturb could be recognized so that mitigating actions could be taken. Methods: We use two ponderosa pine-dominated sites in western Montana, USA to apply a modeling approach that couples information acquired via remote sensing, soil surveys, and local weather stations to assess where bark beetle outbreaks might first occur and why. Although there was a general downward trend in precipitation for both sites over the period between 1998 and 2010 (slope = -1.3, R2 = 0.08), interannual variability was high. Some years showed large increas es followed by sharp decreases. Both sites were similar topography and fire histories, but bark beetle activity occurred earlier (circa 2000 to 2001) and more severely on one site than on the other. The initial canopy density of the two sites was also similar, We wondered if the difference in bark beetle activity was related to soils that were higher in clay content at site I than at site II. To assess this possibility, we applied a process-based stand growth model (3-PG) to analyze the data and evaluate the hypotheses. Results: We found that when wet years were followed by drier years, the simulated annual wood production per unit of leaf area, a measure of tree vigor , dropped below a critical threshold on site I but not on site II.Conclusion: We said that the difference in vulnerability of the two stands to beetle outbreaks can be explained great by differences in gross photosynthesis attributed to the fact that an equivalentamount of stored water in the rooting zone (100 mm) is extracted less efficiently from fine-textured soils than from coarse-textured ones.
摘要:膜下滴灌玉米栽培技术应用在玉米的种植之中,可以充分的发挥其节水、节肥、省工等优势,不仅提高了玉米的质量还提高了玉米的产量,更是为农业的发展打下了夯实的基础。本文介绍了膜下滴灌技术、膜下滴灌技术的主要优点、膜下滴灌玉米栽培技术中的不足之处。  关键词:膜下滴灌;玉米栽培;推广;应用  我国是一个农业大国,玉米作为主要的农作物之一,由于它的外形比较高大,叶子繁茂,又多生长于高温季节,因此会由于叶
目的 探讨护理干预对双胎妊娠阴道分娩引起产后出血的影响.方法 将双胎妊娠产妇设立对照组24例和干预组28例,干预组产妇采取护理干预措施,产时积极处理第3产程,产后3小时内严
布加综合征(Budd-Chiari syndrome,BCS)是因肝静脉和(或)其开口以上的下腔静脉阻塞所导致的门静脉和(或)下腔静脉高压临床症候群.目前比较公认的分型为肝静脉阻塞型、下腔静脉阻塞型和混合型3种类型,在我国以下腔静脉型多见.目前治疗方法包括药物治疗、介入治疗和手术治疗.随着血管腔内介入治疗技术的出现和飞跃发展,凭借着安全有效、创伤小、恢复快等优点,越来越受到重视和推荐,目前介入治疗
母血中单个胎儿细胞的提取是一种90年代中期新发展起来的非创伤性产前诊断技术,即在母血细胞分离的基础上.采用显微操作的方法提取单个有核红细胞,从而通过PCR FISH等技术进