
来源 :山东社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhaishun
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运用文献资料法、访谈法和实地调查法,梳理太平天国武术特征与训练内容,调查其在桂东南地区传承的现状并提出发展对策。研究认为:太平天国武术包括拳术、器械和战术,其特征有4点:以“大馆”、“小馆”形式组织训练;将领多为武术高手;妇女儿童积极参与;实行“武考制”。今天,在桂东南地区流传的太平天国武术项目受到现代文化的巨大冲击,面临着传承危机。为此提出如下策略:挖掘整理武术项目;协会与武馆相结合;保护武术传承人;尊重传统传授方式。 By using the methods of documentation, interview and field investigation, this paper analyzes the characteristics and training contents of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Martial Arts, investigates the status quo of its inheritance in southeastern Guangxi and proposes its development countermeasures. The research shows that Taiping Heavenly Wushu consists of boxing, instruments and tactics. It has four characteristics: organizing training in the form of “big pavilion” and “small pavilion”; generals are mostly martial arts masters; women and children participate actively; Examination system ". Today, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom martial arts project circulating in southeastern Guangxi has been hit hard by modern culture and facing a crisis of inheritance. To this end, the following strategies are proposed: mining and finishing martial arts projects; association and martial arts combination; protection of martial arts heritage; respect for traditional teaching methods.
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