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俄罗斯各制片厂近期热火朝天 ,摄影棚爆满 ,屈指可数的几位资深导演深感分身乏术。对这种史无前例的生产热潮应作何解释 ?原因很简单。其一 ,从 2 0 0 2年 1月 1日起 ,税收优惠政策停止执行。其二 ,根据电影法 ,对于一部分电影生产所获得的利润将不再征税。简言之 ,应该向国家纳税的款项可以“用来”拍电影 ,即把钱拨给制片厂或制片人。诸如此类吸引人的政策就是民族电影生产突然兴旺的原因。 应该说 ,做电影的钱是从哪儿弄来的并不重要。但是 ,资金的来源对于电影工作者的思维定势、价值取向及其创作活动的轻重缓急 ,都会起到重要的作用 ,而优先权自然会对所生产产品的性质和质量产生影响。无论如何 ,“优惠的”时代 ,从近年来的情况看 ,绝不可能提高质量 ,而取消“优惠”之后 ,又会怎样 ?暂且只能猜想。为了不至于浪费时间去作无谓的猜想 ,我们决定与本国电影业的几位起主导作用的电影家们就这一问题进行讨论……建议他们谈谈民族电影不再享有“优惠”之后将如何存活。参加讨论的各位所持观点不同 ,有时甚至对立。但他们至少就本国电影的明天发表了各自的看法。 All studio in Russia in full swing in recent days, studio full, one of the few senior director deeply felt exhausted. The explanation for this unprecedented craze in production is simple. The reason is simple. First, from January 1, 2002 onwards, the preferential tax policies will be suspended. Second, according to the Film Act, the profits earned on part of the film production will not be taxed. In short, the money that should be taxed on the state can be “used” to make a movie, which is to be allocated to the studio or producer. Such appealing policies are the reason for the sudden rise of ethnic film production. It should be said that it does not matter where the money for the movie is made. However, the source of funding plays an important role in the thinking and value orientation of filmmakers and in the priorities of their creative activities. However, the priority will naturally have an impact on the nature and quality of products produced. In any case, it is impossible to improve the quality of the “preferential” era in recent years, and what happens when the “preferential treatment” is abolished? For the time being the only conjecture. In order not to waste time on unnecessary speculation, we decided to discuss this issue with several of the leading filmmakers in the country’s film industry ... Suggest that they talk about how national films will no longer enjoy “preferential treatment” Survival. All of you who participated in the discussion held different views and sometimes even opposites. But at least they expressed their own views on the future of national films.
音乐起。中景。银幕上是一组车臣战争纪录片的镜头。2 0 0 1年 1 0月 ,在与车臣叛匪的交战中 ,俄罗斯中士伊凡不幸被捕 ,沦为奴隶。伊凡懂电脑 ,因此叛匪头目阿斯兰让他操作
本项目尝试将小额贷款用于城市获得性免疫缺陷综合症(acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS)患者社区小组关怀干预:以组建AIDS患者生计发展小组的形式,通过发放小额贷款
一、组织情况及工作方针 十五厂在质量补课运动及质量复查工作中,通过了各种形式的会议,启发教育全体职工,动员一切力量揭发在产品质量上的缺点,追求其听造成的原因,并提出改