
来源 :水土保持科技情报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pipijiayoua
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中国南方水土保持研究会于1995年10月25~28日在江西省庐山疗养院第一分院召开。与会代表28人。会议由第一届理事会副秘书长陈法扬教授主持,南昌水利水电高等专科学校(本会挂靠单位,简称南昌水专)的党委书记张乐天特来参加会议作具体指导并致开幕词。第一届理事会秘书长张碧岭副教授作第一届理事会工作报告。与会代表深为南方水土保持研究会的艰难发展历程和第一届理事会的出色工作所感动,同时对离任的第一届理事会理事深表谢意。大会选出了第二届理事会,新当选的理事长和秘书长对今后的工作安排作了全面的设想。同时进行了学术交流,讨论修改并通过了章程,吸收61位新会员。并对今后的活动作了安排。会议期间,与会代表还参观和考察了庐山的森林保持水土作用、山区旅游风景区的水土保持工程和小型蓄水工程等。 China Southern Soil and Water Conservation Research Association was held in the first branch of Lushan Sanatorium in Jiangxi Province on October 25-28, 1995. 28 delegates attended. The meeting was chaired by Professor Chen Fayang, the deputy secretary-general of the first council. Zhang Le-tian, secretary of the party committee of Nanchang College of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power (referred to as Nanchang Water Conservancy), attended the meeting and gave an opening speech. Associate Professor Zhang Biling, secretary general of the first council, made a report on the work of the first council. The participating delegates deeply moved by the difficult development course of the Southern Soil and Water Conservation Research Society and the outstanding work of the first council, meanwhile, thanked the directors of the first council who left office. The second council was elected by the General Assembly. The newly elected chairman and secretary-general made a comprehensive plan for future work arrangements. At the same time, academic exchanges were held to discuss and revise the articles of association and adopt the constitution to attract 61 new members. And arranged for future activities. During the meeting, the participants also visited and inspected Lushan forests to maintain soil and water conservation, mountain tourism scenic area of ​​soil and water conservation projects and small water storage projects.
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