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随着宗族研究的深入,北方宗族问题近年来已引起学界高度关注。多数研究者将宗族视为一个功能性的实体组织,或以江南、华南的宗族经验和概念去审视北方宗族。站在宗族实践的角度,本文意在通过梳理山西阳城白巷李氏宗族各门世系创修与合族的历程,呈现中国北方一个宗族的存在和具体表现,希望在此基础上重新认识和理解既有宗族观念的问题与不足。文章认为,研究者如果不能跳出“实体性”“标准化”的宗族概念,非要在宗族实践中去寻找所谓“族谱”“宗祠”“族规”“族产”“族长”等形式化、功能性的外在表相,并以此来判断宗族强弱与否、发展好坏的话,是无法准确理解宗族对于中国人所具有的真正意义的,也是忽视宗族空间差异性、形式多样性的一种表现。 With the deepening of clan research, the problem of northern clan in recent years has aroused great concern of the academic circles. Most researchers regard the clan as a functional entity or examine the northern clans in terms of the clan experiences and concepts of southern and southern China. From the perspective of clan practice, this article aims to present the existence and concrete manifestation of a clan in northern China by combing the history of the creation and co-existence of the Li clan families in the Li clan in Yangcheng, Shanxi Province. It is hoped that on the basis of this, Understand the problems and deficiencies of the existing clan concepts. The article thinks that if the researcher can not jump out of the clan concept of “entity ” “standardization ”, it is imperative to find the so - called “genealogy” “clan ” “clan rules Such as ”clan“ and ”patriarchal clan", to judge whether the clans are strong or weak and whether they develop well or badly, it is impossible to accurately understand the true meaning of the clan to the Chinese people It is also a manifestation of neglecting the spatial diversity and formal diversity of clans.
探讨产业工人心理所有权对工作投入的影响机制,通过问卷调查法收集到420份产业工人数据,并用SPSS 22.0和AMOS 21.0对数据进行统计分析。结果表明:产业工人心理所有权和职业认
目的:检测乙醛脱氢酶1A1(aldehyde dehydrogenase1A1,ALDH1A1)在舌鳞状细胞癌(tongue squamous cell carcinoma,TSCC)原发灶及颈淋巴结标本中的表达水平,分析其与患者临床病