The Analysis of Short Vowels Acoustic Patterns in Mongolian Oirad Dialect

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  The Analysis of Short Vowels Acoustic Patterns in Mongolian Oirad Dialect
  Chao Lumen1Zhang Wenmei1
  (1.Northwest University for Nationalities Linguistics and Applied Linguistics ;
  1.Inner Mongolia Normal University Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics)
  This paper with the theory and method of experimental phonetics and speech pattern, acoustic space and a comparative study of the modern Mongolian Oirat dialect Turehot dialect, Subei dialect and Qinghai vernacular short vowels acoustic parameters, and to research the corresponding acoustic features. There are also minor differences. Our preliminary results obtained: from the phoneme to analyze that, modern Oirad tongue position than high Subei dialect and Qinghai Dialect and partial; In the perspective of room acoustics, acoustics pattern analysis showed that, Oirad dialect Turehot dialect of the acoustic space than the other two dialect most wide, secondly is Subei dialect and Qinghai Dialect acoustic pattern closely linked. This further illustrates the similarity type, Subei dialect and Qinghai vernacular language learning and language contact caused by. The above experiment results of the voice, in a short vowel acoustic contrast research level proved modern Mongolian Oirat dialect has great similarity, as well as the smaller difference.
  [Key words]Modern Mongolian; Oirad dialect; Tuerhute Vernacular, Subei Vemacular and Qinghai Vemacular
  1.The Survey of the Oirad Dialect
  Oirad Mongolian is a branch of the Mongol nationality, which have various kinds of appellation in each period of history. For instance, in Ming dynasty, it’s called Oirad; in Qing dynasty, it’s called Oirats, West Mongol; however, it’s named Klmyk in foreihn countries. In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Oirad Mongolian was divided into four tribes, they are Khoshut, Jungar, Dorbet and Torgut. The Mongol; nationality in Qinghai and Gansu migrate from the Xinjiang Urumuqi City under the lead of the Khoshut’s Gushi Khan in 1673.
  When it comes to the study of the Subei Vernacular, the Hasihedun’s The Comparison of Spoken language and Standard Pronunciation of Subei Vernacular and The Comparative Study On the Short Vowel of Mongolian Written Language and Dialect Vernacular, the scholars state that the Qinghai Mongolian and Subei Mongolian belong to the Oirad Dialect, however, because of the different factors in geography and history, they have their own features.   2.Experimental Research of the Mongolian Speech Sounds
  There are many researchers who study the pronunciation of each language, and they respectively are BaoHuaiqiao, ZhengYuling, Huhe and HaSiqimuge researchers who are from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and also they published the monograph, such as Experimental Research of the Mongolian Speech Sounds, and An Acoustic Analysis of the Mongolian Speech Sounds, and so on. Besides, the professor Quejingzhabu,Qinggeertai, Bayinmende who are from the Inner Mongolia University, studied the Mongolian standard pronunciation, all dialects and vernacular from the angle of experimental phonetics, and which established a confirmedly theoretical basis for the each relative pronunciation’s speech sounds study.
  II.Data Sources and Methods
  According to the acoustic parameters all mentioned above, we have a comparative study on the first and second whort vowel Formant data (F1,F2) of Mongolian Oirad Dialects of Tuerhutre Vernacular, Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular. This study applies the Sma4Win1.48E (Chinese Version), which draw the acoustic diagram of vowels of the Mongolian Oirad Dialects of TuerhutreVernacular,Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular. Furthermore, the features of the vowel chart is that taking F1 as the ordinate and linear scale; taking F2 as the abscissa and logarithmic scale. This source of two-dimension vowel chart have a good allelism and comparison compared to the tongue position features of the distribution on acoustics of space and its overall characteristics completely on the short vowel of Mongolian Oirad Dialects of Tuerhutre Vernacular, Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular.
  III.The Contrast of the Acoustic Characteristics
  3.1 The Comparison of the Acoustic Parameter and Specific Position of the Phonemes on the short vowel of Mongolian Oirad Dialects of Tuerhutre Vernacular, Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular.
  The chart below is the comparison table of the acoustic parameter on the short vowel of Mongolian Oirad Dialects of Tuerhutre Vernacular, Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular.
  Table1: the comparison table of the acoustic parameter on the short vowel of Mongolian Oirad Dialects of Tuerhutre Vernacular, Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular.
  In the comparative study, we use symbol “+”or “-” to show the different value. The positive different value refers to that the quantitive value of being compared languages is greater than the language comparisons; and the negative different value refers to the quantitive value of being compared languages is less than the language comparisons.   3.From the angle of the acoustic space, acoustics pattern analysis showed that, Oirad dialect Turehot dialect of the acoustic space than the other two dialect most wide, secondly is Subei dialect and Qinghai Dialect acoustic pattern closely linked. This further illustrates the similarity type, Subei dialect and Qinghai vernacular language learning and language contact caused by.
  The above experiment results of the voice, in a short vowel acoustic contrast research level proved modern Mongolian Oirat dialect has great similarity, as well as the smaller difference. Therefore, we should combine the the theories and methods of the acoustic phonetics, experimental phonology, sound pattern and the acoustic space with the technology knowledge such as, the statistics, mathematics, physics and computer and so on to have a systematic comparison to the whole language system of the Tuerhutre Vernacular, Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular. Besides, some relating acoustic language system of the Tuerhutre Vernacular ,Subei Vernacular and Qinghai Vernacular and the specific acoustic parameters database are under way.
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