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1937年中日战争爆发。日本除占领东北之外,对华北、华中占领区进行了经济扩张与垄断。日本在中国及东亚的扩张引起了美国的关注,美国政府开始策划从经济上进行抵制。1939年下半年开始,美国政府着手废除《日美通商航海条约》以抵制日本在中国的经济垄断。1940年9月,当日本与德、意正式签订“轴心国”协定后,美国政府宣布了对日本的进一步禁运措施。伴随着中日战争的紧张情势及美国政府的远东政策,引起在华美商的不安。但究竟美国在华企业面对日本日益强大的商业扩张和垄断有何具体回应和采取了怎样的手段,其与美国政府之对华政策有何关系?中日战争时期美国在华企业的经营策略和以往有何不同?过去对于1937年中日全面战争爆发以后美国在中国的投资活动的研究较为不足,且往往将此一时期美国在华企业的形貌冠上勾结敌伪政权的标记,而忽略了战争时期美国在华企业的具体活动情形。本文以美国两大跨国公司:大来公司和英美烟公司作为代表个案,从“企业、政府与中日战争”的联系点,探讨中日战争时期美国在华企业之遭逢。 The Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937. In addition to occupying Northeast China, Japan conducted economic expansion and monopoly on the occupied territories of North China and Central China. Japan’s expansion in China and East Asia caught the attention of the United States, and the U.S. government began to plot its economic boycott. Beginning in the second half of 1939, the U.S. government embarked on the repeal of the Japan-US Treaty of Business Navigation to deter Japan’s economic monopoly in China. In September 1940, when Japan and Germany and Italy signed the “Axis and Axis” agreement, the U.S. government announced further embargo measures against Japan. Accompanied by the tense situation in the Sino-Japanese war and the U.S. government’s Far East policy, it aroused the unease among Chinese and American businessmen. But what exactly does the U.S. enterprises in China face in the face of Japan’s increasingly powerful business expansion and monopoly? What is the relationship between the U.S. government’s policy toward China and the U.S. business strategy in China during the Sino-Japanese War? In the past, the study on U.S. investment activities in China after the full-scale Sino-Japanese war broke out in 1937 was relatively inadequate and often overlooked the topographical features of U.S. enterprises in China during this period. The specific activities of American enterprises in China during the war. This article takes the two major multinational corporations in the United States: Dalai Company and British American Tobacco as their representative cases. From the point of connection between “the enterprise, the government and the Sino-Japanese War”, this article explores the encounter of American enterprises in China during the Sino-Japanese war.
对工业锅炉清洗废液全铁含量测定方法进行了系统优化,考察了各因素对全铁含量测定效果的影响。结果表明,将样品控制在p H为1.5~2.3,温度为65~90℃范围内,氧化剂过硫酸铵配制
研究了多效膜蒸馏(MEMD)过程对氢氧化钠稀溶液的浓缩回收。结果表明,该过程可将Na OH稀溶液浓缩至250 g/L以上,且截留率维持在99.9%以上;虽然Na OH溶液的黏度和沸点随着浓度上