Prediction of Absorption Enthalpy from Solubility Data for the MDEA-H_2O-CO_2 System

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A thermodynamic model about the absorption of CO 2 by a solution of methyl diethanol amine (MDEA) and water was established with the electrolytic NRTL (non random two liquid) equation for the calculation of activity coefficients of components in the solution. The gas absorption solubility data was used to obtain the parameters in the electrolytic NRTL equation by regression and to directly predict the absorption enthalpy.  A thermodynamic model about the absorption of CO 2 by a solution of methyl diethanol amine (MDEA) and water was established with the NRALT (non random two liquid) equation for the calculation of activity coefficients of components in the solution. The gas absorption solubility data was used to obtain the parameters in the electrolytic NRTL equation by regression and to directly directly the absorption enthalpy. 
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