
来源 :中国石油石化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lk_wuyong
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几股寒流,几场朔风,北国大地很快就变成一片肃杀。冬天是寒冷的,寒冷是无情的,无情是必然的,因而冬日里的暖阳便格外可人疼。冬天里的老人们喜欢晒太阳,尤喜晒后背,上了岁数的人大多腰酸背痛,自己又够不着,借冬日的暖阳一顿暴晒,那个惬意劲儿,难以言表。古人有句雅语,称之为“负暄”。“负喧”其实并非老年人的专利,年轻人闲暇时试试,其中的乐趣似也大可玩味。近几年国有企业业绩不俗,特别是国资委名下的大型国有企业,销售收入、赢利能力连年上升。2006年,纳入统计的161家 Several cold, a few freshmen, the North quickly became a land of choking. Winter is cold, the cold is ruthless, ruthless is inevitable, so the warm winter sun will be particularly painful. Old people in winter like to bask in the sun, especially in the sun back, most of the people backache back pain, they can not reach enough, by the winter sun exposure meal, that pleasant strength, unspeakable. The ancients have an accent, called “negative Xuan.” “Negative noise” is actually not the patent of the elderly, young people try in their free time, the fun of which is also fun to play. In recent years, the performance of state-owned enterprises is impressive. In particular, the large state-owned enterprises under the name of the SASAC have seen their sales revenue and profitability rise year by year. In 2006, 161 were included in the statistics
A precursor of BaCe_(0.5)Zr_(0.4)Y_(0.1)O_(3-α) electrolytes was synthesized by the sol-gel method and sintered at temperature which were 150~250 ℃ lower than
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在“文史笔谈”栏目中,上海大学余志鸿教授将把我们带进一个博大精深、浩瀚深邃的文化历史星空中。让我们一起徜徉在文化历史的时空里,拂去岁月的尘封,穿透时代的迷雾,追寻历史的脚步,感受历久弥新的启迪,进而轻松丰富自己的文史知识。  (编者)    神话是指文学尚未发生的时代由后人所记述而成的关于史前文化的故事,它们曾经在史前人或原始人中长期流传,既不属于个人创造,也不是个人某种想象力的产物。它始发于人类
The aim of this work was to produce a nanoscale fluoridated and potassium containing hydroxyapatite via sol-gel method and to observe the effect of occlusion of