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蒙古国是与中国陆地边境线最长的邻国。1949年10月16日,中国与蒙古国建交;1960年5月31日,中蒙两国在蒙古国首都乌兰巴托签订友好互助条约,同年10月12日生效;1962年,中蒙两国签订边界条约;20世纪60年代中后期,中蒙两国关系经历了曲折的发展过程;1989年,中蒙两国关系实现正常化;1994年4月中蒙两国政府签署《中蒙友好合作关系条约》,为推动中蒙两国贸易往来和人民币币区域化发展奠定了良好的基础。 Mongolia is the longest neighboring country with China’s land border. On October 16, 1949, China established diplomatic relations with Mongolia. On May 31, 1960, China and Mongolia signed the Treaty of Amity and Mutual Assistance in Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia, and entered into force on October 12 of the same year. In 1962, China and Mongolia China and Mongolia signed a border treaty in the late 1960s; the relations between China and Mongolia have undergone a tortuous course of development; the relations between China and Mongolia were normalized in 1989; the friendship between China and Mongolia was signed by the two governments of China and Mongolia in April 1994; Treaty of Cooperation "has laid a good foundation for promoting the trade between China and Mongolia and the regionalization of RMB.
提到广东,许多人下意识就想到了珠三角,珠三角之外似乎少有人提及。不可否认,富有改革气息的广东创造了珠三角的经济神话,然而珠三角只是广东17.7万平方公里的小小一隅。  这并不是真实的广东,在珠三角高大的身影下,隐藏着广东不为人知的另一面。真实的广东同时在演绎着繁华富庶与偏远贫穷两种完全不同的角色。  云浮,不过是隐匿在云中的一座粤西小城,这个面积比广州还大的地级市之前鲜有曝光率,其下辖的云安也不过