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ATM曾被视为各种协议的终结者:无论语音还是数据、公网还是私网、广域网还是局域网,都将被ATM所统治,形成一个覆盖全球的集成网络。在这个集成网络里,从最终用户桌面上的打印机到运营主干网的巨型交换机,所有的设备都使用同一种协议进行通信。然而,时至今日,事实却是ATM经过了长时间的酝酿,还未及成熟就已无人喝彩了。在局域网领域,许多网络管理者认为它在成本和简易性方面远不及以太网,在广域网领域,服务提供商们铺设了能够运行IP的光纤;即使在.com的泡沫中,ATM也因其名字与Internet相去甚远而不受欢迎。 ATM真的已是风光不再了吗?不,即使在今天,它仍然是能够获得稳定性能的惟一途径。DSL服务提供商尤其欢迎ATM,因为当提供语音服务时必须使其QoS(服务质量)能与普通的电话系统相媲美。在企业和运营商的网络主干上,ATM也能找到用武之地。甚至在局域网中,ATM也因能保证高带宽和到桌面的低延迟而受到另眼相看。 ATMs were once considered the Terminators of various protocols: whether voice or data, public or private networks, wide area networks or local area networks, will be ruled by ATMs to form an integrated network covering the world. In this integrated network, all devices use the same protocol for communication, from printers on the end-user desktop to mega-switches running the backbone. However, up till now, the fact is that after a long period of deliberation and deliberation of ATM, no one has applauded yet. In the area of ​​LANs, many network managers consider it far less costly and easier than Ethernet. In the area of ​​wide area networks, service providers have opted for the ability to run IP; even in the dot-com bubble, ATM has its own name Far from the Internet and unpopular. Is ATM really the scenery no longer? No, even today, it is still the only way to get stable performance. DSL service providers particularly welcome ATMs because voice services must provide their QoS (quality of service) comparable to that of a normal phone system when providing voice services. ATM also finds its way to the network backbone of businesses and carriers. Even in local area networks, ATM is viewed differently because of its high bandwidth and low latency to the desktop.
  [目的] 研究多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs)和香烟烟气颗粒物对人支气管上皮细胞(16-HBE)的细胞毒性和DNA损伤的影响,并探讨它们对16-HBE细胞的影响是否存在交互作用。[方法] 按照
音序器的轨多有什么好处 轨是音序器(也包括电脑音序软件)容纳MIDI“事件”的地方.有的音序器每条轨里能容纳多个MIDI通道的内容,也有的音序器每条轨只能容一个MIDI通道的内容。在后一种情况
鲜蓝色(Brilliant Blue),喹啉黄(Quinoline Yellow)以及日落黄(sunset Yellow)这些听起来斑斓跳跃的颜色正是让你的孩子患上多动症的祸首。 Brilliant Blue, Quinoline Yell
VMS-935和VMS-1710是SynergyMicrowave公司日前推出的IQ调制解调器。其中VMS-935的载波为27dB,单边带抑制为30dB,典型的幅度波动为02dB,相位波动为1O;VMS-1710的载波和单边带抑制分别为25dB和27dB,幅度波 VMS-935 and VMS-1710 are SynergyMicro