
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyk_csdn
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三十多年来.丹东化纤公司经过不断加强设备改 造,现已成为拥有粘胶短纤维、粘胶长丝、涤纶短纤维 和涤纶长丝四大产品系列,年产化纤5万余吨,年平均 创利税8000余万元的大型骨干企业。 近十多年来,由于认真贯彻《设备管理条例》,使设 备始终保持良好的状态,企业经济效益逐年提高。 该公司在总结设备管理工作经验的基础上,1992 年开展了向设备管理要效益的活动。由于领导重视亲 自抓,大力搞好宣传,措施得力,当年实现向设备管理 要效益498万元。今年以来,这项活动正在全公司扎实地开展起来,取得了可喜的成果。 一、要更新观念,落实设备管理工作责任制 搞好设备管理工作,首先要转变观念,解决好过去只注重技术管理,忽视经济管理,不讲经济效益的问题。当前设备管理工作如何适应市场经济的需要,怎样以经济效益为中心,是能否真正搞好设备管理工作的关键。为此,该公司组织各厂厂长、设备科长通过反复学习,使大家明确了向设备管理要效益的必要性和重要性,考核这一工作的指标、方法有了具体要求和规定,做到了抓好技术管理的同时抓好经济管理工作;通过设备管理.使企业的效益有了一个较大的提高。今年向设备管理要效益指标定为850万元,实行一级抓一级,一级保一级的包保体系,明确任务到位、责任到人.由设备处处长 For more than 30 years, Dandong Chemical Fiber Company has continuously improved its equipment transformation and has now become the four major product lines of viscose staple fiber, viscose filament yarn, polyester staple fiber and polyester filament yarn, with an annual output of more than 50,000 tons of chemical fiber. A large-scale backbone enterprise that earns profits of more than 80 million yuan on average. In the past decade or so, due to the conscientious implementation of the “Regulations on the Administration of Equipment,” the equipment has always maintained a good state, and the economic efficiency of enterprises has increased year by year. On the basis of summing up the work experience of equipment management, the company carried out activities to benefit from equipment management in 1992. As the leaders attach great importance to personally grasping, vigorously promote propaganda and effective measures, the realization of equipment management in the year will require 4.98 million yuan. This year, this activity is being carried out solidly across the company and has yielded encouraging results. First, it is necessary to update the concept and implement the responsibility system for equipment management. To do a good job in equipment management, we must first change our concepts and solve the problems that in the past only focused on technical management, neglecting economic management, and not talking about economic efficiency. How the current equipment management work adapts to the needs of the market economy and how to focus on economic efficiency is the key to whether or not equipment management can be really well done. To this end, the company organized plant managers and equipment chiefs to learn from each other, so that everyone clearly clarified the necessity and importance of effective equipment management. The indicators and methods for appraising this work had specific requirements and regulations. At the same time, we should do a good job in economic management work while grasping technical management; through equipment management, we can achieve a greater improvement in the efficiency of enterprises. This year, the profit-making target for equipment management is set at 8.5 million yuan, and the guarantee system for one-level, one-level and one-level guarantees will be implemented to ensure that the tasks are in place and the responsibility is up to the people.
中国化工报报道,国家重点技改项目—青岛第二橡胶厂30万套全钢丝载重子午胎生产线目前正式投产。 项目总投资2.48亿元,其中外汇3184万美元,由亚洲开发银行贷款。经招标与意
日月如梭,转瞬又到岁序更新的时候了。审时度势,笔者认为在组织安排1994年机械工业生产活动中,应该确立深化改革,转换机制,开拓市场,提高效益的指导思想。 关于我国经济发展
经常性思想工作是我军政治工作的重要组成部分,是政治教育的补充和深化。人武部经常性思想工作应该如何做?结合近年来在人武部工作的实践,我们认为应主要抓好以下几点: 要保
吴恒德1976年入伍,1986年初调入贵州省榕江县人武部工作,1990年任办公室主任,1994年任部长。他一心扑在民兵预备役工作上,在平凡岗位干出了不平凡的成绩。 榕江县位于都柳江