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近年来,由于经济的发展和物价的调整以及其它因素变化的影响,现行差旅费、会议费开支规定已不适应变化了的情况。为了保证省级各部门工作的顺利运行,进一步加强对差旅费、会议费的管理,使之符合科学、合理、节约的原则,参照财政部有关规定,结合我省实际情况,我厅重新制定了《四川省省级行政事业单位工作人员差旅费开支规定》和《四川省省级行政事业单位会议费开支规定》,并已报经省政府批准,现印发给你们,从1992年9月1日起执行我厅川财行(1989)4号《四川省省级行政事业单位工作人员差旅费规定》和《四川省省级行政事业单位会议费开支规定》、川财行(1990)4号《关于修改省级行政事业单位工作人员差旅费规定的通知》以及川财行(1990)22号《转发财政部关于出差人员乘坐交通工具、住宿等级标准问题复函的通知》同时废止,过去的其他有关规定与本规定有抵触的,以本规定为难。 In recent years, due to the economic development and the adjustment of price and other factors, the current expenses for travel and meeting expenses have not adapted to the changed situation. In order to ensure the smooth operation of provincial departments and further strengthen the management of travel expenses and conference fees in line with the principle of scientifically, rationally and economically, refer to the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Finance and the actual conditions in our province, our department has re-formulated the “ Regulations on Travel Expenditure of Sichuan Provincial Provincial Administrative Units and Expenses for Meeting Conferences and Expenses of Administrative Institutions in Sichuan Province, which have been approved by the provincial government and are hereby issued to you starting from September 1, 1992 The Office of Sichuan Finance Bank (1989) No. 4 ”Sichuan provincial administrative staff travel requirements“ and ”provincial administrative expenses in Sichuan Province, the provisions of the Convention,“ Chuancai Bank (1990) No. 4 ”on the revision of the province Level administrative units and staff travel requirements “and the Sichuan Finance (1990) No. 22,” the Ministry of Finance forwarded on the travel of staff on board travel vehicles, accommodation standards reply "at the same time the repeal of the past, and other relevant provisions of this The provisions of the conflict, to the dilemma of this provision.
各区、县人民政府,番禺市人民政府,市府直属各单位: 市人民政府《印发的通知》(穗府[1991]96号)发出后,据市民族事务委员会反映,信奉伊斯兰教的少数民族同胞死亡后,没有照顾
《云南省宗教事务管理规定》已经1997年12月2日省人民政府第39次常务会议通过,现予发布,自1998年1月1日起施行。 The Regulations on the Administration of Religious Aff
湖南省人民政府关于修改《湖南省尘肺病防治实施办法》的决定,已经1997年11月3日省人民政府第173次常务会议通过,现予发布施行。 The decision of Hunan Provincial People
ROA 公司最近在成熟的 Primus 雷达基础上研制一种新的多模式机载搜索跟踪雷达(MASTR)。此雷达采用先进的微处理器和精确的单脉冲跟踪技术。它适用于机载侦察、跟踪制导,也