Nest site characteristics and nest loss of Marsh Grassbird at Zhalong National Nature Reserve, China

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ldmaispf
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The Marsh Grassbird Locustella pryeri is an uncommon songbird endemic to East Asia. Suitable nestsite selection can minimize nest loss, especially for opencup and ground nesting passerines. We located and monitored 66 Marsh Grassbird nests during 2004–2006 in Zhalong National Nature Reserve, northeast China, to identify characteristics of preferred nest sites. Marsh Grassbird nested mainly at sites with dense vegetation cover, high undergrowth and dry standing reed stalks, as well as small shallow ponds or rivers. Nests were more successful when they were placed higher above ground in patches with greater litter thickness. Predation and flooding were the leading causes of nest failure, accounting for at least 33 and 25 % of 24 nests lost, respectively. We advocate retention of some unharvested reed patches and implementation of irrigation strategies that avoid increasing water levels during the breeding period(May–July) of Marsh Grassbirds. Suitable nestsite selection can minimize nest loss, especially for opencup and ground nesting passerines. We located and monitored 66 Marsh Grassbird nests during 2004-2006 in Zhalong National Nature Reserve, northeast China , to identify characteristics of preferred nest sites. Marsh Grassbird nested mainly at sites with dense vegetation cover, high undergrowth and dry standing reed stalks, as well as small shallow ponds or rivers. Nests were more successful when they were placed above ground in patches with greater litter thickness. Predation and flooding were the leading causes of nest failure, accounting for at least 33 and 25% of 24 nests lost, respectively. We advocate retention of some unharvested reed patches and implementation of irrigation strategies that avoid increasing water levels during the breeding period (May-July) of Marsh Grassbirds.
研究了不同补光时长光照对保护地草莓(Fragaria ananassa)栽培的影响,结果表明,增加补光时间单株产量也呈增长趋势,但在补光8 h处理后单株结果数量较多,平均果质量较小;草莓
同志们:  4月21日,中央召开“三严三实”专题教育工作座谈会,5月14日,省委召开“三严三实”专题教育动员部署会,对在县处级以上领导干部中开展“三严三实”专题教育工作进行了部