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目前,全国是一片大好形势,冶金工业基本建设战线上也是一片大好形势。社会主义革命和社会主义建设正在深入地向前发展。广大职工在学习毛主席著作的热潮中,无产阶级觉悟有了空前提高,拜且已经出现了一批学习毛主席著作的积极分子,出现了更多的典型事迹。这些学习毛主席著作的积极分子,都有一个共同的特点:活学活用毛主席著作,在“用”字上狠下功夫。他们在毛泽东思想哺育下,使他们在实践中其正懂得了革命,树立了革命的人生观,能够吃大苦,耐大劳,公而忘私,勇挑重担。当他们在工作中遭遇困难的时候,懂得从毛主席著作中吸取力量,增长智慧,明确目标,找到解决问题的办法,从而,困难克服了,矛盾也解决了。在他们取得成绩的时候,能够遵循毛主席的教导,以一分为二的观点,总结经验,寻找差距,不断以高标准要求自己,在革命化的道路上不断前进。现在,学习毛主席著作的群众运动正在深入持续地向前发展,广大职工学习毛主席著作的自觉性越来越高,也越来越深入。今后,将会涌现出更多的活学活用毛主席著作的积极分子。本刊将陆续发表他们的典型事迹,希望各单位大力支持,踊跃推荐。 At present, the country is in an excellent situation. The basic construction of the metallurgical industry is also an excellent situation. The socialist revolution and socialist construction are moving forward in depth. In the upsurge of learning from Chairman Mao’s works, the broad masses of workers have unprecedentedly improved the awareness of the proletariat. There have been a number of activists who have studied Chairman Mao’s writings and more typical stories have appeared. These activists who have studied Chairman Mao’s writings have a common feature: Living in learning to use Chairman Mao’s writings to work hard on the word “use”. Under the nurture of Mao Tse-tung’s thoughts, they enabled them to understand the revolution in practice, set up a revolutionary outlook on life, be able to eat big hardships, tolerate hard work, be unselfish, and bravely take the burden. When they encountered difficulties in their work, they learned how to draw strength from Chairman Mao’s writings, increase their wisdom, define their goals, and find solutions to their problems. As a result, difficulties were overcome and conflicts were resolved. When they achieved their accomplishments, they could follow Chairman Mao’s teachings, divide their experience into two parts, sum up experiences, find gaps, continue to demand high standards, and continue to advance on the path of revolution. Now, the mass movement to study Chairman Mao’s writings is moving forward in depth and continuously. The awareness of the majority of workers studying Chairman Mao’s writings is getting higher and higher and deeper. In the future, more and more activists who have used the works of Chairman Mao to live will emerge. The journal will publish their typical deeds in succession. We hope that all units will strongly support it and recommend it enthusiastically.
1949年12月,毛泽东主席出访苏联,参加斯大林70寿辰的庆祝活动,并就中苏两党两国共同关心的问题交换意见,商谈和签 In December 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong paid a visit to