
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdzc2009cccc
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1 业务量下降的原因1.1 医疗市场竞争激烈,多渠道办医分流了病人。随着卫生改革的不断深入,社会上出现了多渠道办医,地方、部队、企业、集体、个体面向社会开设的医疗点蜂拥而上。另外,部队和企业办医也截留了很多病人。1.2 医疗费用的上涨和医院偏重经济效益抑制了患者的医疗需求。近几年,我国医疗费用不断上涨,各种医用材料大幅度涨价,使医疗成本相应提高。医疗费用的上涨和部分医院追求创收,已抑制了许多城乡患者的医疗需求。 1 Reasons for the decline in business volume 1.1 The medical market is highly competitive and multi-channel medical services have diverted patients. With the continuous deepening of the health reform, there have been many channels for medical treatment in the community, and local, military, corporate, collective, and individual medical institutions that are open to the community have swarmed. In addition, troops and companies running medical facilities have also retained many patients. 1.2 The rise in medical expenses and the emphasis on economic efficiency in hospitals have inhibited the medical needs of patients. In recent years, China’s medical expenses have been continuously rising, and various medical materials have risen sharply, which has led to a corresponding increase in medical costs. The rise in medical expenses and the pursuit of income in some hospitals have inhibited the medical needs of many urban and rural patients.
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比较了鼠疫菌在胰酶消化液琼脂培养基、市售普通营养琼脂培养基和以胰蛋白月示为主要成分自制的 5种培养基上的生长情况。结果显示 ,鼠疫菌在上述 7种培养基上均生长良好 ,可
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