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李涛小栏案:1965年生于重庆合川县,教授、研究员、博士生导师。现任中国科协委员,西部地区精神疾病分子遣传学科学术带头人,四川大学华西医院精神医学研究室主任。她多年来致力于精神疾病的遗传病因学研究,先后主持了国家科技部、国家自然科学基金等国家级课题和高难度国际协作课题10余项;在国际国内专业学术期刊上发表精神疾病分子遗传学研究论文70余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇。她于1997年获全国“吴阶平医学研究奖”,2001年获第七届“中国青年科技奖”,2005年获第二届“中国青年女科学家奖”。精神疾病,这个名词听起来就让人“敬而远之”,但是当年刚刚大学毕业,正值花样年华的李涛却选择了到精神科工作,而且一干就是18年。18年来与精神病患者打交道,李涛就是为了帮助精神病患者,治疗他们,希望真正找到致病原因,进而“彻底解放他们”。“如果你见到一些精神病患者和他们的家庭,就一定会同情他们,帮助他们。其实这也是在为社会分忧,因为重度性精神分裂症患者往往会对社会造成较大危害。”李涛说。18年过去了,今天李涛依然像当初一样热爱自己的事业,一路前行,无怨无悔。关爱——选择奉献的理由1965年3月,一个春暖花开的日子里,李涛出生在合川县城一个干部家庭。从小学到高中,她都十分热爱学习,成绩一直名列班上前茅。1981年,李涛参加高考。虽然考试发挥失常,但还算是高分,被四川医学院(现四川大学华西医学院)录取,学习临床医学专业。周围的亲朋都很羡慕她,纷纷夸她前程远大。但1987年当李涛大学毕业时,她却留校主动选择了精神科,这让亲朋好友们都有些迷惑了,为什么要干这个有“风险”的行当呢?他们关心地告诉她:“将来你如果搞临床,整天同精神病患者打交道,你就不担心患者犯病时伤害你?到时你后悔就晚了!” Li Tao small column case: Born in Chongqing Hechuan in 1965, Professor, researcher, doctoral tutor. He is currently a member of China Association for Science and Technology, a academic leader in the field of deportation of mental diseases in the western region, and a director of the psychiatry research center of West China Hospital of Sichuan University. She has been devoted to the research of genetic etiology of mental illness for many years. She has successively chaired more than 10 national-level subjects and difficult international cooperation projects such as the National Science and Technology Department, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc. He has published molecular genetic diseases of mental diseases in international and domestic professional academic journals Study more than 70 papers, including SCI included more than 40 articles. She won the “Wu Jieping Medical Research Award” in 1997, the seventh “China Youth Science and Technology Award” in 2001, and the second “Chinese Young Women Scientist Award” in 2005. Mental illness, the term sounds like “at a distance”, but then just graduated from college, was in the middle of the bucket of Taoism has chosen to psychiatric work, and what is 18 years. 18 years of dealing with mentally ill patients, Li Tao is to help people with mental illness, treatment of them, hoping to really find the cause of the disease, and thus “completely liberate them.” “If you meet some mentally ill people and their families, you will certainly sympathize with them and help them. In fact, this is also for the community, because people with severe schizophrenia tend to be more harmful to society,” Li said. 18 years later, today, Li Tao still loved his career as usual, all the way forward, no regrets. Caring - reasons for choosing dedication March 1965, a spring day, Li Tao was born in Hechuan County, a cadre family. From elementary school to high school, she loves studying very much and she has always ranked the best in the class. In 1981, Tao attended the college entrance examination. Although the exam to play disorders, but still a high score, was Sichuan Medical College (now West China Medical College, Sichuan University) admitted to study clinical medicine. Surrounding friends and relatives are envious of her, have praised her future ambitious. However, when she graduated from Li Tao in 1987, she left school to take the initiative to choose psychiatry, which makes friends and family members are somewhat confused, why do this “risky” business? They are concerned about her: "In the future you If you engage in clinical, psychiatric patients all day dealing with, you do not worry about the patient hurt you hurt? When you regret it late!
Five secondary amine terminated poly(ester-amine)s(defined as PEA)with controlled molecular structures were synthesized through reacting excessive piperazine wi