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“光发机”对从事视频网络传输的相关人员来说,是太普通的物理器件了。但它却是光纤网络前端发射传输影像信号的关键设备,没它不行。上海城市有线电视台,创建于1991年。由于上海是著名的国际大都市,有线电视的传输网络就瞄准了当时世界最先进的光纤混合网技术。首批参于上海城市有线电视网络筹建的三个区,分别是长宁区、徐汇区和南市区。传输视频的光纤网络,当时谁都没有干过,工程都带有点实验的性质,由我负责筹建的南市区有线电视中心,将会承担很多困难。感谢苍天有眼,由我率领筹建的南市区有线电视首期工程,终于在1992年的年底前初步完工,只剩最后的前端设备的安装调试工作了。偏偏此时,遇到了光发机缺 “Light hair ” For the personnel engaged in video network transmission, is too common physical device. However, it is the key equipment for transmitting and transmitting video signals on the front end of the optical network, and it can not fail. Shanghai city cable television station, founded in 1991. As Shanghai is a famous international metropolis, the transmission network of cable television aimed at the world’s most advanced optical fiber hybrid network technology. The first batch of three districts participating in the construction of Shanghai’s urban cable network are Changning District, Xuhui District and Nanshi District. Optical fiber network transmission of video, when no one had done that project with a little experimental nature, I am responsible for the preparation of the Southern Cable TV Center, will bear a lot of difficulties. Thanks for the brilliant eyes, led by me to build the first phase of the southern city of cable television project was finally completed by the end of 1992 initially, leaving only the last front-end equipment installation and commissioning work. But why, at this time, encountered a hair machine missing
[目的]对江油市地震灾后控制蝇类效果进行观察和评估。[方法]用“大功达”粘蝇纸粘捕蝇类,计算密度指数。[结果]共监测11天,布放粘捕纸196张,收回190张,合计粘捕蝇数6 065只,
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the primary cancer of the liver, is the fifth most common cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related death worldw
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most common malignant tumor worldwide and the most common primary liver cancer, in over 80% of cases HCC grown on a c
Background: Although laparoscopic liver resection (LLR) has been increasingly popular worldwide, there is lack of predictive model to evaluate the feasibility a
从更宏观的层面来看,全世界都在讨论并等待一个现状到来:中国AI崛起,在不远的未来将超越美国。  她叫Sophia,是全球首个用流利英文演讲的机器人,也是首个获得国籍的机器人。日前,沙特授予了她人类公民身份。  TA叫涩谷未来(Shibuya Mirai),是一个虚拟助手,刚刚获得日本涩谷地区颁发的特殊居留证。这使得TA成为日本第一个,或许也是全球第一个可以“实地居留”的人工智能机器人……  TA叫