Pelvic floor myofascial pain severity and pelvic floor disorder symptom bother: is there a correlati

来源 :中华物理医学与康复杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingdang7456
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Pelvic floor myofascial pain, which is predominantly identified in the muscles of the levator ani and obturator internus, has been observed in women with chronic pelvic pain and other pelvic floor disorder symptoms, and is hypothesized to contribute to their symptoms.


To describe the prevalence of pelvic floor myofascial pain in patients presenting with pelvic floor disorder symptoms and to investigate whether severity of pelvic floor myofascial pain on examination correlates with degree of pelvic floor disorder symptom bother.


All new patients seen at 1 tertiary referral center between 2014 and 2016 were included in this retrospectively assembled cross-sectional study. Pelvic floor myofascial pain was determined by transvaginal palpation of the bilateral obturator internus and levator ani muscles and scored as a discrete number on an 11-point verbal pain rating scale (range, 0-10) at each site. Scores were categorized as none (0), mild (1-3), moderate (4-6), and severe (7-10) for each site. Pelvic floor disorder symptom bother was assessed by the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory short form scores. The correlation between these 2 measures was calculated using Spearman rank and partial rank correlation coefficients.


A total of 912 new patients were evaluated. After exclusion of 79 with an acute urinary tract infection, 833 patients were included in the final analysis. Pelvic floor myofascial pain (pain rated >0 in any muscle group) was identified in 85.0% of patients: 50.4% rated as severe, 25.0% moderate, and 9.6% mild. In unadjusted analyses and those adjusted for postmenopausal status, severity of pelvic floor myofascial pain was significantly correlated with subjective prolapse symptoms such as pelvic pressure and heaviness but not with objective prolapse symptoms (seeing or feeling a vaginal bulge or having to push up on a bulge to start or complete urination) or leading edge. Severity of myofascial pain at several individual pelvic floor sites was also independently correlated with lower urinary tract symptoms, including pain in the lower abdomen (myofascial pain at all sites) and difficulty emptying the bladder (right obturator internus and left levator ani); and with defecatory dysfunction, including sensation of incomplete rectal emptying (pain at all sites combined and the right obturator internus), anal incontinence to flatus (pain at all sites combined), and pain with defecation (pain at all sites combined, and the right obturator internus and left levator ani).


Pelvic floor myofascial pain was common in patients seeking evaluation for pelvic floor disorder symptoms. Location and severity of pelvic floor myofascial pain was significantly correlated with degree of symptom bother, even after controlling for postmenopausal status. Given the high prevalence of pelvic floor myofascial pain in these patients and correlation between pain severity and degree of symptom bother, a routine assessment for pelvic floor myofascial pain should be considered for all patients presenting for evaluation of pelvic floor symptoms.

目的观察发光二极管(LED)红光照射对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)增殖的影响。方法通过体外培养SD大鼠骨髓MSCs,将LED红光光源置于MSCs上方2 cm处,红光波长620 nm,测得光功率密度为6.67 mW/cm2,能量密度分别设定为0,0.5,1和2 J/cm2 ,其中0 J/cm2组作为对照组,其它组作为实验组。0.5 J/cm2组、1 J/cm2组和2 J/cm2组分别给予75 s
OBJECTIVESTo compare the results of the standard urotherapy alone and associated with pelvic floor muscle training alone, and in combination with oxybutynin in treatment of nonmonosymptomatic nocturna
目的观察不同频率重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)对缺血性脑卒中患者运动功能恢复的影响。方法采用随机数字表法将45例缺血性脑卒中偏瘫患者分为高频组、低频组及假刺激组,每组15例。3组患者均给予常规康复干预,高频组患者在此基础上针对患侧运动皮质M1区给予10 Hz高频rTMS治疗,低频组患者则针对健侧运动皮质M1区给予0.5 Hz低频rTMS治疗,假刺激组则针对患侧运动皮质M1区给予假磁刺激治疗。于治疗前、
目的探讨全身振动疗法对痉挛型双瘫患儿下肢运动功能的影响。方法选取痉挛型双瘫患儿56例,采用随机数字表法分为治疗组和对照组,每组28例。两组均给予常规的运动康复训练,治疗组在此基础上辅以全身振动疗法,治疗频率为每周5次,每次15 min,共12周。治疗前、治疗12周后(治疗后),记录2组患儿粗大功能评定量表(GMFM-88)D区(站立)和E区(走跑跳)评分、踝关节背屈活动度(ROM)、胫前肌和腓肠肌
目的观察308 nm准分子光治疗轻型儿童斑秃的疗效及对患儿外周血辅助性T细胞17(Th17)及调节性T细胞(Treg细胞)相关因子水平的影响。方法采用随机数字表法将60例轻型儿童斑秃患儿分为观察组及对照组,每组30例,另外本研究同时选取30例健康儿童纳入健康组。2组患儿均同时涂擦米诺地尔酊,口服复方甘草酸苷片;观察组患儿在此基础上辅以308 nm准分子光照射治疗,对照组则辅以卤米松乳膏封包治疗。于