抢抓时机 聚力突破 即墨林业建设成果凸现

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今年是山东省青岛市实施“十绿”工程、建设绿色青岛的关键之年。今年以来,即墨市按照“增加森林碳汇、建设绿色即墨”的奋斗目标,抢抓时机,上下联动,聚力突破,强力推进林业生态文明建设,各项林业重点工程建设进展顺利。目前,即墨市已投资4.2亿元,完成新造林2.4万亩,植树330余万株,新建完善农田林网2.5万亩,深度绿化村庄450个,四旁植树80万株,中幼林抚育3万亩,年初确定的各项任务已全面完成。 This year marks the crucial year for the implementation of the “Green Project” and Qingdao Green Building in Qingdao City, Shandong Province. Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the goal of “increasing forest carbon sinks and building a green Jimo”, Jimo City has seized the opportunity, linked up and down, pushed aggressively and vigorously promoted the construction of ecological forestry in forestry. The construction of key forestry projects progressed smoothly. At present, Jimo City has invested 420 million yuan to complete a new 24,000 mu of afforestation, planting more than 3.3 million trees, new construction of 25,000 acres of farmland forest network, depth afforestation village 450, plant 80000 plants on all sides, young and middle-aged forest tending 30000 mus The tasks identified at the beginning of the year have been fully completed.
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