Fabrication of hollow porous PLGA microspheres for controlled protein release and promotion of cell

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinshu
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This letter reports on the fabrication of hollow,porous and non-porous poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres(MSs) for the controlled release of protein and promotion of cell compatibility of tough hydrogels.PLGA MSs with different structures were prepared with modified double emulsion methods,using bovine serum albumin(BSA) as a porogen during emulsification.The release of the residual BSA from PLGA MSs was investigated as a function of the MS structure.The hollow PLGA MSs show a faster protein release than the porous MSs,while the non-porous MSs have the slowest protein release.Compositing the PLGA MSs with poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) hydrogels promoted chondrocyte adhesion and proliferation on the hydrogels. This letter reports on the fabrication of hollow, porous and non-porous poly (D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres (MSs) for controlled release of protein and promotion of cell compatibility of tough hydrogels. PLGA MSs with different structures were prepared with modified double emulsion methods, using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a porogen during emulsification. The release of the residual BSA from PLGA MSs was investigated as a function of the MS structure. hollow PLGA MSs show a faster protein release than the porous MSs, while the non-porous MSs have the slowest protein release. Compositing the PLGA MSs with poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) hydrogels promoted chondrocyte adhesion and proliferation on the hydrogels.
随着环境卫生恶化和微生物突变等生态系统的改变,食源性疾病的预防控制工作越加严峻,新发和重要食源性疾病的预防控制研究刻不容缓.肆虐欧洲的出血性大肠杆菌 O104 暴发事件
张炜和陀思妥耶夫斯基在作品中分别塑造了隋含章和索尼娅的女性形象,尝试表达女性的声音,但他们始终没有摆脱男性意识。本文对这种现象进行了具体分析,张炜和陀思妥耶夫斯基对女性形象的塑造,从表面上看,读者能看到他们对女性近乎崇拜的心理,但是细细品味之下,却发现男性声音仍然高亢并占据主导地位。  一、张炜笔下的隋含章形象  张炜曾有言:“艺术家的笔必然写到女性,在他们不停止的创作中,会不止一次地将女性作为主
高女士 38岁 商务人士  【诉说】讲自己的经历,我能笑着流出眼泪:出生在农村,家里很穷。读的是师专,毕业后回老家教书。不甘心一辈子窝在小地方,就辞职来到省城,从没底薪的推销员做起。每天只睡两三个小时,三餐靠馒头充饥,没钱租房,就在麦当劳过夜……  10年辛苦不寻常呀!现在,我已是某知名化妆品公司东北的总代理了。每天面对的顾客,都是社会的高消费人士。为了传递尊贵、精致的理念,我必须先打造自己时尚、
摘 要:全国老龄化程度不断加剧,老年人口数量不断攀升,人们对老年人的关注也在日益增加。而作为老年住宅消费者的老年群体,在需求上与一般的消费者存在诸多不同,只有满足顾客需求、能为顾客带来价值的住宅才是竞争市场的优胜者。本文基于人口老龄化背景和老年住宅的现状进行分析,根据基于I-FCEM法的老年住宅顾客价值评估法,通过实证分析验证了该方法的评价结果,最后提出了老年住宅顾客价值提升的措施。  关键词:老