
来源 :大众理财顾问 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuexuexuehehehe
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一个自称没有理财经验的人,却做着最稳赚不赔的投资。如此的长线投资,他的理财故事,或许需要用一生去书写。提到王劲松这个名字,很多人并不熟悉。但只要说到那个要做个弹弓子打冯巩家玻璃的精神病患者,恐怕多数人脑海中都会浮现出他的形象。在《没事偷着乐》中他是那个老婆让别人拐跑了的冯巩的弟弟三民,在黄建新导演的电影《红灯停,绿灯行》中他饰演一个吸毒者,他还是《山楂 A person who claims to have no wealth management experience does the most profitable investment. Such a long-term investment, his financial story, may need to use life to write. Mention Wang Jinsong the name, a lot of people are not familiar with. But as long as that is to be a slingshot to fight Feng Gongjia glass mental illness, I am afraid most people will emerge in his head his image. He was the brother and sister of Feng Gong who let his wife make a turn in the movie “Nothing Steal”. He played a drug addict in the movie “Red Light, Green Light” directed by Huang Jianxin. He is also "Hawthorn