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摆地摊,废铁渣收购,矿渣制砖……今年32岁的杨国伟干过许多行当。他现在的身份是定襄县待阳村委主任。他的人生之路充满传奇,充满艰辛。由于家境贫寒,穷人的孩子只能早当家,自己立业。17岁那年高中毕业后,家里无钱供养他上大学,他只能选择自谋职业,先在城里摆地摊,起早贪黑赚几个小钱。凭着满脑子的聪明 Booths, waste iron slag acquisition, slag brick ... ... 32-year-old Yang Guowei has done many jobs. His current status is Dingxiang County Yang village committee director. His life is full of legendary road, full of hardships. Due to the poor family, poor children can only be their own homes, their own career. When he was 17 years old, after graduating from high school, his family did not have the money to support him at university. He only chose to seek employment by himself. He first placed a stall in the city and made a few small profits from morning till night. With brain cleverness
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Organic-inorganic hybrid metal halide perovskite materi-als have attracted much research interest over the past dec-ade because of their unique electrical and o
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