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李元同志,现年47岁,高级政工师,现任陕西咸阳西郊国家粮食储备库党委书记、主任。在粮库建设发展的二十年中,李元同志以自己的智慧、信念和力量战胜了一个又一个困难,为企业的创建、发展和壮大奉献了自己的全部精力,谱写了一曲充满艰辛的企业发展的壮美乐章!上个世纪80年代西郊国储库还是一个总仓容仅有7650万斤的粮食储备库,随着改革开放和市场经济的建立,原来的仓容远远不能适应企业发展的要求,他凭着一个企业家的敏锐果断提出:关键时刻抓住机遇,粮库才有出路。一个宏伟的目标在他脑海里勾画出来,实现粮库建设发展战略转移,向高起点的国家粮库迈进。箭在弦上,刻不容缓。他同库领导班子成员主动出击,积极争取,抢抓机遇,先后争取国家投资6438万元,前后六期工程,扩增仓容3.7亿斤。短短的二十年中,一排排整齐、崭新、配套设备齐全的高大平房仓拔地而起,西郊 Comrade Li Yuan, 47 years old, senior political engineer, is currently the party secretary and director of the National Grain Reserves Library in the western suburbs of Xianyang in Shaanxi Province. In the two decades of the development of the grain depot, Comrade Li Yuan defeated one difficulty after another with his own wisdom, conviction and strength, devoted all his energy to the establishment, development and expansion of the enterprise and wrote a book full of hardships The magnificent movement of enterprise development! 80s of last century the western suburbs of the State Treasury or a total storage capacity of only 7650 kilograms of grain reserves, with the reform and opening up and the establishment of a market economy, the original storage capacity far can not adapt to business development , He pointedly assertively with the keenness of an entrepreneur that there is a way out for the grain depot to seize the opportunity at a crucial moment. A magnificent goal in his mind outlined, to achieve the strategic development of grain depot construction and development, to a high starting point for the national grain depot. Arrows, without delay. He took the initiative of the members of the leadership team of the reservoir to actively fight for and seize the opportunity and successively won the national investment of 64.38 million yuan and the six phases of the project to increase the storage capacity by 370 million kg. Just a short span of 20 years, neatly arranged, brand new, well-equipped high-rise cottages come and go, the western suburbs
北京:依然下挫 本月北京城市指数1115个点,较上月下降2个点;住宅指数894个点,较上月下降1个点;办公室指数1441点,较上月下降4个点;商业用房2150点,较上月下降10个点。 Beij
  A two-step treament was developed to obtain purified betulin from birch bark.The birch bark was first extracted using alkaline ethanol solution,and then the