High-power, electronically controlled source of user-defined vortex and vector light beams based on

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Optical angular momentum (OAM)-based structured light beams provide an additional degree of freedom for practical applications ranging from optical communication to laser-based material processing. Many techniques exist for generating such beams within laser sources and these primarily rely upon the use of specially designed optical components that limit laser power scaling and ready tunability of the topological charge and polarization of the output OAM beams. Here we show that some of these limitations can be overcome by employing a computer controlled reflective phase-only spatial light modulator to adaptively tailor the input (and subsequent output) beam wavefront and polarization in a few-mode fiber amplifier. In this way modal-coupling-induced beam distortion within the fiber amplifier can be mitigated and we are able to generate at will any desired supported spatial mode guided in the fiber, including conventional linearly polarized (LP) modes, scalar OAM modes, and cylindrical vector modes, at average powers
A high-efficiency Brillouin fiber ring laser is demonstrated using the standard single-mode fiber. The laser exhibits a 3.6-mW threshold. The output power is 22 mW with 40-mW pump power, and the maximum optical-to-optical efficiency is 55%. The output is
TiO2纳米材料良好的光电性能, 为其作为制备染料敏化太阳电池等新型太阳电池的光阳极材料提供了很好的应用基础。采用溶胶-凝胶法成功制备了Cu掺杂的TiO2纳米晶粉体, 并利用XRD、EDS、TEM以及荧光分光光度计对样品进行了表征, 研究了Cu掺杂对TiO2的物相类型、微观结构、晶粒尺寸以及光致发光性能的影响。结果表明, Cu掺杂使Cu2 取代Ti4 进入TiO2的晶格中, 在抑制TiO2晶粒生长的同时促进了TiO2的晶型转变, 但这种抑制和促进作用会随着Cu掺杂量的增加而减弱。3%(原子分数)的Cu掺杂
The threshold of a laser-induced breakdown of air is determined experimentally and theoretically. We find that the ionization of air has two steps: the first step is a multi-photon ionization process, which provides enough “seed electrons” to initiate the
When using normalized dispersion method for the dispersion design of photonic crystal fibers (PCFs), it is vital that the group velocity dispersion of PCF can be seen as the sum of geometrical dispersion and material dispersion. However, the error induced
期刊论文High-power, electronically controlled source of user-defined vortex and vector light beams based on发表于2021年9期PhotonicsResearch作者DiLin,JoelCarpenter,YutongFeng,YongminJung,Shaif-ulAlam,DavidJ.Richardson,本篇论文的所有权归原作者DiLin,JoelCarpenter,YutongFeng,YongminJung,Shaif-ulAlam,DavidJ.Richardson所有,如果您对本文有版权争议,可与客服联系进行内容授权或下架。