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《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(以下简称《课标》)指出:“普通高中英语课程是义务教育阶段课程的自然延伸,是基础教育阶段课程的重要组成部分。因此,普通高中英语课程要在义务教育英语课程的基础上,帮助学生打好语言基础,为他们今后升学、就业和终身学习创造条件,并使他们具备作为二十一世纪公民所应有的基本英语素养。”高一新生来自不同的初级中学,生源不同,师资不同,学校的设施和条件不同,新生基础水准和学习能力也不尽相同。新生入校后,如何处理好初、高中的学法衔接,提高学生的自学能力,使其尽快适应高中英语学习,这是摆在我们面前的一个现实而又严峻的课题。 The Common Senior High School English Curriculum Standard (Experiment) states: "The ordinary high school English curriculum is a natural extension of the course of compulsory education and is an important part of the basic education curriculum. Therefore, Based on compulsory education English courses, the course should help students to lay a good foundation for their language, create conditions for their further studies, employment and lifelong learning and equip them with the basic English qualities they should possess as citizens of the 21st century. Freshmen from different junior high schools, students of different sources, different teachers, schools of different facilities and conditions, the basic level of freshmen and learning ability are not the same. After the freshmen enter the school, how to deal with the connection between the primary and secondary schools and enhance their self-learning ability so that they can adapt to English learning in senior high schools as soon as possible is a realistic but austere subject before us.
Abstract Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated ( HCN) channels in the heart modulate cardiac automaticity via the hyperpolarization-activated cati
为满足实际生产的需要,节省工时,需设计一种高位自卸汽车,文中阐述了高位自卸汽车的设计要求,设计方案分析,设计方案选择,并绘制了设计的机构简图。 In order to meet the n
在应用“启发—探究”教学模式时要适合小学生的认知规律,把大问题细化成一个个小问题,从而更好地发展学生的语言能力。 In the application of “enlightening - inquiry
考点一 only修饰不定式表结果  only 后接不定式作状语时,有时表示目的,有时表示结果(尤其表示让人没有事先想到或令人感到不快的意外结果)。如:  Not content with second place, Jeff played only to win. 杰夫不甘心得第二名,他参加比赛就是为了夺冠。(句中的only to win表目的)  He rushed to the airport
BACKGROUND: The risk of sudden death from cardiac causes is increased among survivors of acute myocardial infarction with reduced left ventricular systolic func
Objective: To assess whether screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms in men r educes mortality. Design: Population based randomised controlled trial of ultras