Inheritance and Genotype Inference of Main Traits of ‘Meiting’ Nectarine

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  Abstract [Objectives] This study was conducted to investigate the inheritance laws of ‘Meiting’ nectarine.
  [Methods]With ‘Meiting’ nectarine as the material, the inheritance of the main traits was studied, and the genotypes were inferred.
  [Results] The two paired traits, freestone and tree height, segregated in the self-bred progenies of ‘Meiting’ nectarine, and the segregation ratio was basically in line with Mendel’s independent allocation rule of a pair of gene traits of 3: indicating that these two pairs of genes are heterozygous. The round fruit, glabrous fruit surface, yellow flesh, rose-shaped flower, pollen, inseparable flesh and skin, half-opened tree shape, straight leaf edge and kidney-shaped leaf nectary did not segregated in the progenies, indicating that these traits are homozygous. Based on the above results, the genotypes of the main traits of ‘Meiting’ nectarine were inferred.
  [Conclusions]This study provides a theoretical basis for peach parent selection, thereby improving breeding efficiency.
  Key words Peach; ‘Meiting’ nectarine; Inheritance; Genotype
  Received: March 25, 2021  Accepted: June 3, 2021
  Supported by Key Research and Development Project of Hebei Province(21326310D); Innovation Project of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences (2019-3-5-1; 2021-3-5-7).
  Zhisheng MA (1964-), male, P. R. China, researcher, devoted to research about peach genetic breeding and standardized cultivation techniques.
  *Corresponding author.
   Studying the inheritance laws and genotypes of peach trees plays an important role in guiding parent selection. Many economic traits of peach trees are qualitative traits, and their genetic background is simple, which is convenient for genotype analysis. There are some reports on the inheritance laws of peach trees[1-2], but few studies have been carried out on peach genotype analysis[3], mainly on the genotype analysis of single traits, such as pollen fertility, flesh color, and fruit shape. Ma et al.[4] carried out inheritance laws and genotype inference on ‘Meijin’ peach. Li et al.[5] determined the genotypes of traits such as fruit shape, hairy surface, flesh color, and freestone and clingstone of ‘Wanbaita’ peach through self-cross tests.
  ‘Meiting’ nectarine is a new high-quality yellow-flesh variety bred by Shijiazhuang Pomology Institute, Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences[6]. This variety is not only an excellent variety, but also an excellent breeding material. Studying the inheritance laws of its main traits and inferring their genotypes will more effectively promote its application in breeding and will provide a theoretical basis for parent selection, thereby improving breeding efficiency.   Materials and Methods
  Five-year-old ‘Meiting’ nectarine trees and three-year-old self-bred seedlings were chosen. The trees grew vigorously and were free of diseases and pests.
  In early April 2017, when ‘Meiting’ nectarine exposed petals, 48 fruit branches were selected. 2-4 flower buds were left on each fruit branch, and the rest were removed. Then, bagging was performed for selfing, and the bags were removed after fruits setting. When the fruits got ripe, they were harvested,and 106 seeds were obtained, which were reserved immediately in a refrigerator at -4 ℃ and then reserved in sand in early December. Peach cores were sown at the end of March 2018, and 96 self-bred seedlings were obtained and planted in 2019. All of the seedlings fruited in 2020, and their main traits were recorded and statistically analyzed.
  Results and Analysis
  Inheritance of main traits
  Segregated quality traits
  It can be seen from Table 1 that the two paired traits, freestone and tree height, were segregated, and the segregation ratio was basically in line with Mendel’s independent allocation rule of a pair of gene traits of 3∶ indicating that these two pairs of genes are heterozygous.
  Not segregated quality traits
  It can be seen from Table 2 that the traits such as round fruit, glabrous fruit surface, yellow flesh, inseparable flesh and skin, rose-shaped flower, pollen, half-opened tree shape, straight leaf edge and kidney-shaped leaf nectary did not segregated in the progenies, indicating that these traits are homozygous.
  Quantitative traits segregated at a smaller ratio
  It can be seen from Table 3 that the flowering period, maturity period, single fruit weight and flower bud node were quantitative traits, and the variation in the progenies was small. Among them, the coefficient of variation of the flowering period was the smallest, and that of the single fruit weight was the largest.
  Inheritance and main genotype inference of main traits
  Based on the above results, the main genotypes of  ‘Meiting’  nectarine, such as glabrous fruit surface, freestone, pollen, round fruit, and tree height, were inferred (Table 4).
  The two paired traits, freestone and tree height, segregated in the self-bred progenies of ‘Meiting’ nectarine, and the segregation ratio was basically in line with Mendel’s independent allocation rule of a pair of gene traits of 3: indicating that these two pairs of genes are heterozygous.   The round fruit, glabrous fruit surface, yellow flesh, rosed-shaped flower, pollen, inseparable flesh and skin, half-opened tree shape, straight leaf edge and kidney-shaped leaf nectary did not segregated in the progenies, indicating that these traits are homozygous.
  Based on the above results, the genotypes of the main traits of ‘Meiting’ nectarine were inferred.
  [1] SHEN DX. Fruit tree breeding[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific & Technical Press, 1984. (in Chinese)
  [2] ZHONG XF. Inheritance of main traits of peach[J]. Hebei Fruits, 1990, (1): 45-48.(in Chinese)
  [3] YU ML, MA RJ, TANG XL, et al. Genotypes of peach cultivars and their application in breeding[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 1996, 23(3): 218-222. (in Chinese)
  [4] MA ZS, JIA YY, WANG YH, et al. Study on main characters inheritance and genotype inference of peach variety ‘Meijin’[J]. Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences, 2010, 14(2): 63-64. (in Chinese)
  [5] LI HF, LIN ZG, WANG CJ, et al. Genotyping of fruit traits for ‘Wanbaita’ peach[J]. Deciduous Fruits, 2010, 42(3): 5-7. (in Chinese)
  [6] JIA YY, MA ZS, WANG YH, et al. New yellow-flesh nectarine variety ‘Meiting’[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2015, 42(s2): 2819-2820. (in Chinese)
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