Three Concepts Embodied in Beijing Olympic Venues

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The designs of the Beijing Olympic venues have attracted more attention from around the world than those in any preceding Olympic Games.For the 2008 Olym- pics,Beijing has prepared 31 venues,including 12 that are newly-built,11 that have been improved or expanded and 8 which are temporary.Unique world-class venues like the“Bird's Nest”and the“Water Cube”have shocked the world,fully reflecting the three concepts of holding a“Green Olympics,High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics”. The designs of the Beijing Olympic venues have attracted more attention from around the world than those in any preceding Olympic Games. For the 2008 Olym- pics, Beijing has prepared 31 venues, including 12 that are newly-built, 11 that have been improved or expanded and 8 which are temporary. Unique world-class venues like the “Bird's Nest” and the “Water Cube” have shocked the world, fully reflecting the three concepts of holding a “Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics ”.
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