
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szjisu
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兵团事业的发展离不开党中央的深切关怀和大力支持。在回顾以毛泽东、邓小平为代表的党中央第一、二代领导集体创建和恢复兵团的历史功绩时,我们同样忘不了以江泽民同志为核心的党中央第三代领导集体为进一步加强兵团事业所做的一切。特别需要指出和强调的是,江泽民同志主持中央工作以来,一直高度重视兵团事业,关注着兵团的每一步发展,多次就兵团工作做出指示,保证了兵团事业在社会主义市场经济中不断发展壮大。江泽民同志对兵团的关怀和指导,与毛泽东同志和邓小平同志对兵团的关怀和指导一样,是兵团儿女将屯垦戍边事业胜利推向21世纪的强大精神动力和宝贵思想财富。本刊发表由兵团党委宣传部、兵团党委党史研究室撰写的《江泽民同志与新疆生产建设兵团》,旨在激励兵团广大干部群众更紧密地团结在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央周围,不辜负党中央和江总书记的殷切希望,更好地担负起屯垦戍边的历史使命,以更优异的成绩,回报江总书记和党中央对兵团事业的支持和厚爱。 The development of Corps is inseparable from the deep concern and strong support of the party Central Committee. In retrospect of the historic achievements of the first and second generations of collective leadership represented by Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping in establishing and restoring the corps, we also can not forget the third-generation collective leadership of the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core. In order to further enhance the corps’ Do everything. In particular, it needs to be pointed out and emphasized that since Jiang Zemin presided over the work of the Central Government, he has always attached great importance to the cause of the Corps, paid attention to each step of development of the Corps, made many instructions on the work of the Corps and ensured the continuous development of the corps in the socialist market economy grow. Like Comrade Mao Tse-tung and Deng Xiaoping’s care and guidance to Comrades Corps, Comrade Jiang Zemin’s care and guidance to Corps, like Corps parent and child, is a powerful spiritual force and precious ideological wealth that the Corps and children will push for the victory of the cause of reclaiming and guarding the land to the 21st century. The publication of “Comrade Jiang Zemin and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,” written by the Corps Propaganda Department and the Party History Research Corps of the Corps, aims to inspire the broad masses of cadres and the masses in the Corps to more closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the core, Live up to the ardent hopes of the Central Party Committee and General Secretary Jiang and better assume the historical mission of establishing a frontier garrison and serve as a superior performance in repaying General Secretary Jiang and the CPC Central Committee’s support and love for Corps.
编号:PHA70530 厄瓜多尔某公司寻求临床分析用实验用品:水合苯并戊三酮,微生物用美容用具,血细胞比容,儿科 MINI-LANCET。感兴趣者请提交具有技术详情的目录,包装类型,报价
世界三大电子测量仪器厂商之一的美国福禄克公司(FLUKE C0RPORATION),调整产品结构,全力将具有紧凑、精密、专业和便携特点的电子测量仪器介绍给中国,并长期将新产品巡展深
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今天故事的主人公一个是我,另外一位叫汪建(华大基因董事长),我比他大三岁。  我们是2003年10月认识的。这里先说一个登珠峰的故事。他有哮喘,正常人登珠峰都非常难,有哮喘就更难,我们18个人,12个是外国人,6个是中国人。他找我说:“老王,跟你商量个事,登顶的时候你能不能让我20分钟?”为什么要让他20分钟?因为我52岁登顶珠峰的时候创造了中国人登顶珠峰最大年纪的纪录,这时候59岁了,纪录还没有